Income Tax : Learn how to achieve tax-free rental income of ₹20,00,000 by leveraging deductions under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961,...
Income Tax : In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In ...
Income Tax : Article contain all benefit available to Small Businessmen including provisions for Presumptive Taxation Scheme, Various deduction...
Income Tax : Explore tax benefits available to individuals and HUFs for AY 2025-26, including exemptions, rebates, and allowances under various...
Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...
Finance : CA Sandeep Kanoi I just came to know about one very interesting investor education initiative called “Plan F- your financial fit...
Income Tax : India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited Issue Period: 26 Dec 2012 to 11 Jan 2013 Key Benefits: Credit Ratings: AAA by CARE, A...
Income Tax : If you are sitting on unrealised losses on equity investments made less than a year ago, here is some consolation. Those unrealise...
Understand the tax implications of working abroad for a short period. Learn about the key considerations and avoid any surprises.
Article discusses Benefits under Income Tax and Profession Tax Act Available to Disabled or Handicapped Persons. Income Tax Act Provides Deduction Under Section 80DD, Section 80DDB and Section 80U and also provide indirect tax benefit under section 64 of the Income Tax Act to Disabled / Handicapped Persons.
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, 31st July 2014 is near and many taxpayers are hurrying up for filing income tax returns. What are the points to be considered before filing income tax returns?
Financial independence is important when you are planning for retirement. But, you should also plan for the free time that you will get. Many people have no idea what life’s going to be like once they retire. It can be the most rewarding experience or the most disastrous one. You need to think about the financial side of retirement, but mental and emotional changes can be far more devastating than monetary issues.
As we are in the middle of the financial year , it is time to start planning your tax saving strategies. A house can also be used to reduce the tax liability to a certain extent. Under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, deduction in respect of interest paid up to Rs 1.5 lakhs (2 lakh from AY 2015-16) per annum on a home loan is allowed.
March of any year is the month when one feels as if he is being subject to extortion – not in its literal meaning but in the form of tax deduction at source or advance tax or forced to invest in tax saving investments. There could be moments when you feel that you have paid too much of taxes or too much of tax has been deducted from your salary.
For most of the people ‘tax savings’ brings to mind life insurance, PPF, NSC, Sukanya Samriddhi Account and equity-linked savings scheme, among others, that qualify for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income-Tax Act. An individual can claim tax deductions of up to Rs 1.50 lakh (One Lakh Up to AY 2014-15) under 80C.
The Article aims at creating awareness amongst salaried employees about various tax compliance and possible tax planning over the year. We are in the month of June wherein the last financial year (FY) 2011-12 has gotten over and due date to file Return of Income stares in the face and also it is time to submit your Investment declaration for FY 2012-13.
Income-tax return is a legal document and it should be filed by the assessee with due care and caution. There should be no corrections or overwriting and it should be properly signed and verified by the person authorized to do so under the provisions of the Income-tax Act. The following important points may be taken care of while filling up the return forms:
House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.) results in tax savings because accounting under Income tax act is direct exemption based. However, accounting of Rent Free accommodation is valuation based taxation and added to total income of employee presumptive basis. Please note Rent-Free Accommodation cannot be taxed if Salary is NIL The principles of valuations are explained below:- […]