Income Tax : Learn how to achieve tax-free rental income of ₹20,00,000 by leveraging deductions under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961,...
Income Tax : In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In ...
Income Tax : Article contain all benefit available to Small Businessmen including provisions for Presumptive Taxation Scheme, Various deduction...
Income Tax : Explore tax benefits available to individuals and HUFs for AY 2025-26, including exemptions, rebates, and allowances under various...
Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...
Finance : CA Sandeep Kanoi I just came to know about one very interesting investor education initiative called “Plan F- your financial fit...
Income Tax : India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited Issue Period: 26 Dec 2012 to 11 Jan 2013 Key Benefits: Credit Ratings: AAA by CARE, A...
Income Tax : If you are sitting on unrealised losses on equity investments made less than a year ago, here is some consolation. Those unrealise...
Under tax laws, savers have a complete buffet of tax saving instruments like Life Insurance, Public Provident Fund (PPF), tax-saving fixed deposits, National Savings Certificate (NSC), and Equity-linked Saving Scheme (ELSS). Yet, in reality, individuals often make wrong investment decisions with their tax-saving investments.
Most of tax payers comply with 31st July (Income Tax Return Due Date extended to 31/08/2018 for A.y 2018-19) deadline for filing Income tax returns. However many miss out due to other commitment in professional and personal life. Missing the deadline does not mean you cannot file your return. Infact if you have missed to file your return for last year ended March 2018, you can still file the return however there are some catch. Read the article to know in detail importance of filing of return by 31 August and and methods to file return after due date.
Generally person is liable to pay tax only on the income which is earned by him. However provisions of Section 60 to 64 of Income Tax Act 1961 may make you liable to pay tax on income which is not earned by you.Inclusion of others income in the income of assessee is called“Clubbing of income” and such clubbed income is termed as “Deemed Income”.
Tax Planning is most important part of Finance Planning for Tax Payers In India especially for Individual and Salaried tax Payers. In this Article we are discussing some Tax Planning Tips mainly for Individual and Salaried tax payers by which they can minimise their tax burden for Financial Year 2018-19 or Assessment year 2019-20
CPC for electronic tax returns in Bangalore and CPC (Vaishali in Ghaziabad) for tax deducted at source (TDS) are working as the right hands of Government for detecting cases of incorrect income reported by tax payers knowingly or unknowingly. It was published by leading news paper that some of Assessee received notices for filing incorrect return of income or for not furnishing correct particulars of income like not reflecting income from other sources, claiming deduction twice and so on…
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, July is here, Schools / colleges soon will reopen. Therefore Parents are busy in their children’s school preparation. Today, tell us in detail about education expenses and provisions relating to it under Income Tax Act
As an accountant, you probably recognize how important it is to have a budget and save money for unexpected expenses. Unfortunately, most of our clients don’t understand how easy it can be to create and manage a budget with the tools we have available at our disposal. I
The advantage with ELSS compared to the Ulips is the frequency (mostly a single or a monthly investment for a year) and term for investment, for getting good returns.
If we can plan well, we can save tax on mutual fund returns. In this article, I would explain you as to how mutual fund returns are taxed and possible ways to save tax on such returns.
Tax is a financial burden on any person. One cannot do financial planning without considering the tax liability. Every person devotes his time and energy to plan his tax liability but still he doesn’t able to save much as he like’s too. The main reason is because mostly financial planning is done conventionally.