Goods and Services Tax : Exporters face IGST refund restrictions due to FOB vs CIF valuation differences. Learn how GST law affects tax refunds on export t...
CA, CS, CMA : Comprehensive summary of income tax, GST, customs, SEBI, DGFT, EPF, and SC rulings from notifications and circulars issued between...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore tax implications of intermediary services under IGST Act, including place of supply, inter-state supply, and export of ser...
Goods and Services Tax : Omission of Rule 96(10) under Notification 20/2024-Central Tax offers relief to exporters claiming IGST refunds, easing refund pro...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about the TDS provisions under GST for metal scrap, applicable from October 2024, covering thresholds, rates, and filing req...
Custom Duty : The government exempts import duties on specific life-saving drugs for rare diseases under set conditions. Learn about eligibility...
Goods and Services Tax : Details on GST/IGST collection over five years and state-wise compensation released. Discussion on GST on health insurance also in...
Goods and Services Tax : Overview of GST collections and compensation to states in 2024, including deliberations on GST rates for health insurance....
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the details of CGST, SGST, and IGST collected, IGST settlement to states, and an in-depth study on GST revenue growth. Ins...
Goods and Services Tax : Standard Operating Procedures for Monitoring Ineligible IGST Input Tax Credit Reversal by Taxpayers in Return Form GSTR 3B (SOP-1/...
Service Tax : CIT (Appeals) held that assessee qualified as an ‘intermediary,’ making the services rendered ineligible for classification as...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay High Court held that when the petitioner satisfied the requirements of Section 31(3)(d) of the CGST Act denial of input tax...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court allows GST refund on ocean freight paid under RCM after the relevant notification was struck down, rejecting ti...
Goods and Services Tax : Integrated Goods and Services Tax ( IGST ) on ocean freight could not be levied on Free on Board ( FOB ) transactions also as on...
Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court admits SLP challenging Delhi High Court's ruling on adjustment of interest against IGST refund claim under Section 7...
Goods and Services Tax : Corrigendum issued for Notification 05/2025 - Integrated Tax (Rate), correcting references in the Gazette of India dated 16th Janu...
Goods and Services Tax : Notification 08/2025 amends the IGST Act to redefine "specified premises," aligning with earlier provisions, effective from April ...
Goods and Services Tax : Notification 07/2025 revises Integrated Tax rates by excluding body corporates from certain provisions under the GST framework, ef...
Goods and Services Tax : Notification 06/2025 updates integrated GST with exemptions for motor accident insurance and NSDC-approved training partners, effe...
Goods and Services Tax : Notification 05/2025 revises GST rules for hotel premises. Includes updated "specified premises" definitions, declaration processe...
Various representations have been received citing ambiguity caused in interpretation of the Explanation 1 under section 8 of the IGST Act 2017 in relation to condition (v) of export of services as mentioned in sub-section (6) of the section 2 of the IGST Act 2017.
In re GSPC (JPDA) LTD (GST AAR Gujarat) On reading the Section 2(14) IGST Act, we find that the location of the recipient (GSPC(J)) in subject matter is Gujarat, which is a taxable territory. Further, as per entry 1 to Notification 10/2017-Integrated Tax(R), we find that the applicant, being the recipient of service, is liable […]
CONCEPT OF ITC UNDER GST According to Section 2(62) of CGST Act, Input tax credit means “Central Tax (CGST), State tax, Integrated Tax (IGST), union tax (UTGST) charged on supply of goods or services or both and includes (i) IGST charged on import of goods (ii) Tax payable on Section 9(3) and 9(4) under CGST […]
In M/s. Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. [ADVANCE RULING NO. GUJ/GAAR/R/26/2021 dated July 09, 2021], M/s. Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd ( Applicant) has sought a clarification on the liability to pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Research and Development (R&D) Sciences on goods physically made available by foreign entities. The Hon’ble Gujarat Authority […]
THE FINANCE ACT, 2020 (NO. 12 OF 2020) There are sixteen sections of CGST Act, 2017 got amended through Finance Act, 2020 and the same have been enacted by different notifications from different dates. Section 118 to Section 133 under Chapter-IV of said Act, deal with the amended provisions of Central Goods and Service Tax […]
(Circular No. 16/2021–Customsdated 19thJuly 2021; Notification Nos. 45/2017–Customs and 46/2017–Customs, both dated 30thJune 2017; Notifications No. 36 & 37–Customs dated 19thJuly 2021) IGST on repair cost, insurance and freight, on goods re-imported after being exported for repairs The GST Council, at the time of roll out of GST decided to continue the concession as were […]
Clarification regarding applicability of IGST on repair cost, insurance and freight, on goods re-imported after being exported for repairs, on the recommendations of the GST Council made in its 43rd meeting
Seeks to amend notification No. 46/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017, to clarify leviability of IGST, on recommendation of the GST Council vide Notification No. 37/2021-Customs | Dated: 19th July, 2021. Following clause (d) inserted in Notifications No. 45 & 46 –Customs (d) on the recommendation of the GST Council, for removal of doubt, it is […]
Seeks to amend notification No. 45/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017, to clarify leviability of IGST, on recommendation of the GST Council vide Notification No. 36/2021-Customs | Dated: 19th July, 2021. Following clause (d) inserted in Notifications No. 45 & 46 –Customs (d) on the recommendation of the GST Council, for removal of doubt, it is […]
Mahesh Vegoils Private Limited Vs Union Of India (Rajasthan High Court) Petitioner has filed the petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India seeking following reliefs:- “a. To issue appropriate writ/order/direction to the effect declaring Sr. No. 9(ii) of the Notification No. 8/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 to be an unconstitutional and ultra-vires to the […]