CA, CS, CMA : A Gift Deed formalizes property transfer without monetary consideration. Learn its legal importance, registration process, and ess...
Income Tax : Learn about taxable incomes under Income from Other Sources with provisions, deductions, and exceptions. Stay updated on tax guide...
Income Tax : Monetary gifts to individuals or HUFs exceeding ₹50,000 in a year are taxable unless received under specific exemptions like fro...
Income Tax : Understand the tax implications of Raksha Bandhan gifts. Learn about exemptions for gifts from relatives and the tax rules for gif...
Income Tax : Explore the guidelines for gifting shares and money from residents to non-resident relatives under FEMA and LRS, ensuring complian...
Goods and Services Tax : Gifts up to a value of Rs 50,000/- per year by an employer to his employee are outside the ambit of GST. However, gifts of value m...
Income Tax : The existing provisions of section 56(2)(vii)(b)(ii) provide that where any immovable property is received for a consideration whi...
CA, CS, CMA : Suggestions on Draft Rule 11UA of Income-tax Rules, 1962 Accepted: I am happy to inform you that our suggestions have found favour...
Income Tax : Actress Priyanka Chopra and photographer Atul Kasbekar will pay income tax on some undisclosed transactions. Priyanka will pay tax...
Income Tax : The Income Tax department has issued a notice to Bollywood actor asking him to pay tax on the Rs 17.84 crore villa in the UAE, I-...
Income Tax : ITAT Surat remands case to CIT(A) for fresh adjudication on HUF gift taxability under Section 56(2)(vii) of the Income Tax Act, ci...
Income Tax : Mumbai ITAT rules gift from non-resident brother exempt from tax for Abul Wais Abdus Salam, overturning previous additions to inco...
Income Tax : Explore the ITAT Delhi order in ACIT Vs Vibha Taneja case for A.Y. 2014-15. Learn how the CIT(A) defended the assessee against une...
Income Tax : The recent ITAT Delhi decision in the case of Karamveer Singh Vs ITO emphasises the non-taxability of immovable property bought th...
Income Tax : In Sharon Agarwal Vs ITO, ITAT Delhi deletes addition of cash gifts received from mother. Explore implications of this landmark de...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Income Tax Circular No. 04/2022 on 15th March 2022 and explained all provisions related to deduction of Tax At Source ...
Corporate Law : The depository participants have been permitted to operate in GIFT-IFSC in terms of the applicable provisions under SEBI (Internat...
Income Tax : Amendment in Rule 11U and 11UA omitting reference to the term accountant, thereby permitting only merchant bankers to determine th...
Fema / RBI : In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 46 of the Foreign Exchange Man...
Any person receives Gift from any other person, would be consider as income of the recipient as per section 56(2)(x) with certain exemptions. Section 56(2)(x) was inserted by Finance Act 2017 w.e.f.1st April, 2017 read as under: Where any person receives, in any previous year, from any person or persons on or after 1st day […]
Under Section 56(2)(x) Gifts from persons other than those covered in the definition of relatives are taxable under the Head Income from other sources. Now a question arises that is it sufficient to offer a Gift from a person other than relatives as Income from Other Sources and pay tax ? In my humble opinion […]
Venkatesh Soutoor Tirupati Vs ITO (ITAT Hyderabad) As regards the cash withdrawals and the marriage gifts from others and gift from his brother as sources for the balance of cash deposit is concerned, I find that the Assessing Officer has held the ATM withdrawals and also 2/3rd of the gifts at the time of marriage […]
An NRI can have the interest in the following assets in India, which he receives by Gift or by inheritance- i. Money or Liquid funds ii. Immovable properties iii. Jewellery, painting, art piece or other valuable goods iv. Shares in companies registered in India v. Interest in Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) Any such receipt through […]
In the previous article on HUF, we had discussed about the meaning of HUF, its formation, creation of corpus of HUF and how it can be used as a legal tax saving tool. In one of the ways the corpus of Hindu undivided family can be created by receiving gifts from relatives.
Sheela Yogi Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Once the summons have been issued and these persons have appeared and given their statements before the AO wherein they have confirmed that they have advanced the amount to the assessee towards purchase of the agricultural land and has also disclosed the source of their earnings/savings, the assessee has […]
Gift is the transfer of certain existing moveable or immoveable property made voluntarily and without consideration, by one person, called the donor, to another, called the donee, and accepted by or on behalf of the donee.
Diwali for everybody is like meeting their friends and exchanging gifts. The gifts can be sweets, dry fruits, and other valuable items like silver or gold coins. But did you ever thought that these gifts may have some tax implications too?? No… Everybody believes that these gifts are not taxable in their hands. You are […]
Traditionally Deepawali is the major occasion when gifts are given and gifts are received. The items given as gifts vary from just boxes of dry fruit and sweet to valuable like gold and silver coins etc. Majority of the recipients of such gifts are under the impression that such gifts have no income tax implications, […]
Under the latest provisions, any sum of money received without consideration (in excess of Rs 50,000), by an individual or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), during a financial year, are taxable in the hands of the recipient. For the purpose of computation of the threshold limit of Rs 50,000, the aggregate value of gifts received from all sources by the recipient needs to be considered.