Income Tax : Explore the changes in taxation of debt mutual funds pre and post April 2023. Learn about impacts, benefits, and strategies. Inves...
Finance, Income Tax : Explore the impact of Indias budget evolution in 2024, focusing on economic growth, reducing disparity, and strategic resource all...
Finance : Welcome Announcements by Finance Minister to boost COVID affected sectors: Healthcare, Tourism, Exports, Job Creation In a bid to ...
Finance : Before the Unlocking starts I have some suggestions for Government, Trade and Citizen. They can be further discussed with all the ...
Finance : 1. The Government vide office memorandum no. F.No. 12(2)/2020—EH(A) dated 12 October 2020 announced the Cash Voucher LTC (Leave ...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025 expectations include tax relief, GST reforms, R&D support, and measures for MSMEs. Common demands focus on easin...
Finance : Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman emphasizes tax compliance and technology adoption during the 165th Income Tax Day celebration,...
Finance : Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman assumes office as Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs, pledges commitment to 'Ease of Living' a...
Income Tax : Marking the 164th Income Tax Day, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman praises CBDT's efforts in tax administration reforms and ea...
Finance : Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman chairs meeting on Illegal Loan Apps. Multiple steps outlined to prevent operations of suc...
Income Tax : The assets did not fall under any of the above exceptional three conditions. The said block of assets was used for the purpose of ...
Corporate Law : (1) This Act may be called the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021. (2) It shall come into force o...
Income Tax : Whether the full and final settlement of the bills pertaining to LTC Cash Scheme is also to be ensured by 31st March, 2021, withou...
Finance : Finance Minister announces measures of Rs 73,000 crore to stimulate consumer spending before end of this Financial Year in fight a...
Finance : Under LTC Cash Voucher Scheme, the Government has decided to give cash payment to employees in lieu of one LTC during 2018-21, in...
Finance : It has been decided that cash equivalent of LTC, comprising Leave Encashment and LTC fare of the entitled LTC may be paid by way o...
It is, therefore, proposed to also allow deduction in respect of any contribution made to CGHS by including such contribution under the provisions of section 80D. The deduction will be limited to the current aggregate as mentioned in the section.
In tune with the policy thrust of promoting investment in the infrastructure sector, it is proposed to insert a new section 80CCF in the Income-tax Act to provide that subscription during the financial year 2010-11 made to long-term infrastructure bonds (as may be notified by the Central Government), to the extent of Rs. 20,000, shall be allowed as deduction in computing the income of an individual or a Hindu undivided family.
Under the existing provisions of section 56(2)(vii), any sum of money or any property in kind which is received without consideration or for inadequate consideration (in excess of the prescribed limit of Rs. 50,000/-) by an individual or an HUF is chargeable to income tax in the hands of recipient under the head ‘income from other sources’. However, receipts from relatives or on the occasion of marriage or under a will are outside the scope of this provision.
The Finance (No. 2) Act, 2009 provided for the taxation of LLPs in the Income-tax Act on the same lines as applicable to partnership firms. Section 56 and section 57 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 allow conversion of a private company or an unlisted public company (hereafter referred as company) into an LLP. Under the existing provisions of Income-tax Act, conversion of a company into an LLP has definite tax implications.
Under the existing provisions contained in section 44BB(1) of the Income-tax Act, income of a non-resident taxpayer who is engaged in the business of providing services or facilities in connection with, or supplying plant and machinery on hire used, or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils is computed at ten per cent. of the aggregate of the amounts paid.
One of the conditions for availing the benefit under section 35AD in the case of laying and operating a cross-country natural gas or crude or petroleum oil pipeline network for distribution, including storage facilities being an integral part of such network, is that the specified business ‘has made not less than one-third of its total pipeline capacity available for use on common carrier basis by any person other than the assessee or an associated person’.
In view of the high employment potential of this sector, it is proposed to provide investment linked incentive to the hotel sector, irrespective of location, under section 35AD of the Income-tax Act. The investment-linked tax incentive allows 100 per cent deduction in respect of the whole of any expenditure of capital nature (other than on land, goodwill and financial instrument) incurred wholly and exclusively, for the purposes of the “specified business” during the previous year in which such expenditure is incurred.
Section 35 of the Income-tax Act provides for deduction in respect of expenditure on research and development. The existing provisions of section 35(1)(ii) provide for a weighted deduction from business income to the extent of 125 per cent of any sum paid to an approved and notified scientific research association or to a university, college or other institution to be utilized for scientific research.
Under the existing provisions of section 35(2AB) of the Income-tax Act, a company is allowed weighted deduction of 150 per cent of the expenditure (not being expenditure in the nature of cost of any land or building) incurred on scientific research on an approved in-house research and development facility.
Section 12AA provides the procedure relating to registration of a trust or institution engaged in charitable activities. Section 12AA(3) currently provides that if the activities of the trust or institution are found to be non-genuine or its activities are not in accordance with the objects for which such trust or institution was established, the registration granted under section 12AA can be cancelled by the Commissioner after providing the trust or institution an opportunity of being heard.