We are now tired of hearing Break the Cycle, Break The Chain, Mission begin again etc. etc. But its time now to say “Start the Cycle again” , not Corona cycle but Economy Cycle the life Cycle !!!! It’s time to say “Join the Chain “ i.e. restart the economy chain from “Producer to Consumer” . But all this have to be done with utmost caution and a lot of logic.
Till now we were focussing on how to cure the patients. Now it’s time to focus on prevention and precaution.
I have been closely observing various lockdowns done from last year. Needless to say hardly any of them were logically, scientifically planned.
Before the Unlocking starts I have some suggestions for Government, Trade and Citizen. They can be further discussed with all the stakeholders and a well-planned Unlock should be implemented.
Some of the basic points are:
There should not be any timing/geographical restrictions: Our focus should be on reducing the rush rather than increasing it by placing timing / geographical restrictions. Rather Shops should be encouraged to increase their timings. So that visitors need not rush in a specific time or specific locations. And not even odd/ even schemes.
Biggest Spreader Vegetable / Fruit / Kirana vendors: These shops never remained closed in any of the lockdown. Only timing/geographical restrictions were placed. So every day the masses were exposed to infections. Some special steps are needed to contain these hot spreaders. Wholesale and retail markets should be segregated. No retail customer should be allowed in wholesale markets. Large Housing Societies should be asked to have these shops in their premises only. Home delivery should be encouraged. Small societies can ask Hand carts shops to daily come to their place. Big grounds, Footpaths can be allotted to these vendors.
Busy Shopping Areas: In places where Shops and Hawkers both are in large numbers both can be given alternate days to open their shops. This will immensely reduce the traffic and visitors thereby maintaining physical distancing.
Vaccinations: Industries, Shop owners and staff who are eligible for vaccination should get vaccinated compulsorily.
Outdoor Physical Activities: All gardens, parks should be opened for full time. People should be encouraged to have physical exercise in the morning, evening and have some pure oxygen intake. There should not be any restriction on walking, running, cycling etc.
Open air gyms should be encouraged.
No Spitting in Public Places : Huge fine should be imposed on the violators. Administration should deal with it very strictly. If required vigilance squad can be deployed. And first and foremost it should be started from Government Premises.
Education institutions: Should not be opened for at least 6 months.
Trade and Industry Associations: They should proactively ask their members to follow the protocols strictly. Physical distancing should be followed strictly. They should not hesitate to take appropriate action on violators.
Citizen must cooperate: It’s the duty of each and every individual to cooperate with administration. They should help in minimising the efforts of administration in disciplining the masses. Some steps such as wearing the mask, avoiding frequent trips for shopping, keeping their shopping time minimum, not spitting in public, getting vaccinated when and where ever they get chance, maintaining physical distancing, taking parcels from restaurants rather than dining there can help us to contain this pandemic.
Last but not the least Government Authorities should discuss this issue with all the stakeholders, win their confidence, be alert & strict and then only go for removing the restrictions. Take help of NGOs to the fullest in maintaining a good health infrastructure.
After all Its duty and responsibility of we all to have our country Corona-Mukt!!!
Written by:
Satish G. Sarda , Chartred Accountant
Coordinator: Calamity Resource Group-Nagpur