Fema / RBI : The FCRA Amendment Rules 2024 introduce new reporting requirements, fund carry-forward provisions, and stricter auditing standards...
Finance : Learn about key changes in FCRA Amendment Rules, 2024, including unspent administrative expense carry-forward, tax refund transfer...
Corporate Law : Learn the key FCRA compliance guidelines and best practices for registered associations in India, including registration, utilizat...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the NSEL internal audit case, uncovering gaps in compliance, fraudulent practices, and the crucial lessons learned for cor...
Corporate Law : Discover how registering on NGO Darpan can amplify your NGOs impact. Government recognition, increased visibility, and easy access...
Corporate Law : CBI registers a case against a Delhi-based private company and its Director for alleged violations of FCRA provisions, involving u...
Company Law : List of agencies of the United Nations, and other international agencies and organizations notified by the Central Government to b...
Corporate Law : During preceding 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021) registration certificates of 1811 number of Associations have been cancelled under the...
Corporate Law : A case was registered against 36 accused including 7 public servants of FCRA Division of MHA & NIC and middlemen, representatives ...
Corporate Law : MHA did not freeze bank accounts of Missionaries of Charity (MoC) State Bank of India informed that Missionaries of Charity itse...
Corporate Law : Noel Harper & Ors Vs Union of India (Supreme Court of India) Sub-Whether amendment made to Section 7, 12(1A),12A and 17(1) of ...
Fema / RBI : Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Vs Union of India (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court upheld the decision of Centre to suspen...
Finance : The citizen cannot be penalised for a discrepancy in the form prescribed by the respondent which has resulted in the form being un...
Fema / RBI : Whether Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA, 2010) (read with rules) allows Central Government to freely decide wheth...
Corporate Law : M/s Advantages India & Anr Vs Union of India & Ors (Delhi High Court) This Court is of the opinion that there is a princip...
Corporate Law : MHA reminds NGOs to ensure valid FCRA registration for receiving and utilizing foreign contributions. Non-compliance may result in...
Corporate Law : Ministry clarifies TDS refund transfer to FCRA accounts, stating it’s not a violation and must be reported as "other income" in ...
Corporate Law : Govt extends FCRA registration validity to March 31, 2025, for pending renewals and expiring registrations. Non-renewal will prohi...
Corporate Law : Government urges timely responses to queries in FCRA registration, renewal, and permission applications to avoid denial....
Corporate Law : The Ministry of Home Affairs lists reasons for denial of FCRA registration and renewal applications, clarifying common issues like...
As per Section 12(6) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, the registration certificate granted shall remain valid for a period of 5 years from the date of its issue. Vide Public Notice No. II/21022/23(22)/2020-FCRA-III dtd. 30th September, 2021 the Ministry of Home Affairs provided that the FCRA registration certificates which are expiring during the […]
—”The term ‘charity’ connotes altruism in both thinking and deed. It entails thinking about others rather than oneself.” In the matter of Andhra Chamber of Commerce [1965] 55 ITR 722 (SC), the Supreme Court ruled that. INTRODUCTION It is vital to understand the concept of Charitable Purpose. Section 2(15) of the Income Tax Act 19611, […]
FCRA i.e. Foreign Contribution Regulation Act was earlier enacted in year 1976 by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to regulate the foreign funding that received by various charitable institute, political parties, print and other media and to prevent the foreign organizations or individuals from influencing the social, political economic and religious matters in India. The […]
Extension of Due date for Renewal of FCRA registration : On 30th September Ministry of Home Affairs wide notification No. II/21022/23(22)/2020-FCRA-III extended the validity of the registration certificate issued under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 expiring during the period between 29th September, 2020 and 31st December, 2021 upto 31st December, 2021. Consequences of Non […]
Extension of the validity of the registration certificates issued under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 expiring during the period between 29th September, 2020 and 31st December, 2021 upto 31st December, 2021 vide Public Notice No. II/21022/23(22)/2020-FCRA-III| Dated: 30th September, 2021. As per Section 12(6) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, the registration certificate […]
Preamble: With the increasing global awareness, people nowadays are making contributions around the world to addressing various social, economic and environmental issues and for the upliftment of the society and communities, especially in the developing and underdeveloped Nations. Such contributions are not limited to one’s region or city or state or country. Organizations like Bill […]
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Act 2020: An Attempt To Alter The Landscape Of Foreign Donations In India INTRODUCTION The Foreign Contribution Regulations Act, or FCRA, is a law adopted by the Parliament to govern foreign contributions (particularly monetary donations) made to NGOs and other organizations in India. The act, in its consolidated version, was first […]
Every person having a definite cultural economic educational religious or social program shall accept Foreign Contribution only after obtaining a certificate of registration from the central government and there are two modes for obtaining permission to accept foreign contribution under FCRA let us discuss the same i. Registration ii. Prior Permission Registration Under FCRA Eligibility […]
Any ‘Person’ defined in FCRA 2010 can receive foreign contribution subject to having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious or social programme and It must obtain the FCRA registration/prior permission from the Central Government * In terms of FCRA, 2010 “person” includes (i) an individual; (ii) a Hindu undivided family; (iii) an association; (iv)a company […]
Eligibility Criteria to take FCRA Registration:-The association should be registered under an existing statute like the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013