Income Tax : Explore 151 FAQs on Finance Bill 2025, covering tax provisions, IFSC benefits, TDS/TCS, transfer pricing, and more for informed fi...
Income Tax : Understand key changes in proposed Income Tax Bill 2025. This FAQ covers definitions, tax year, non-profits, exemptions, salary, h...
Income Tax : Learn about the simplification, stakeholder consultation, and structural reforms in the new Income-Tax Bill aimed at reducing redu...
Income Tax : Explore how new tax rebate under Section 87A allows individuals to avoid tax on incomes up to Rs 12 lakh. Learn through illustrati...
Income Tax : Learn the TDS process for NRI property sales in India, including rates, forms, and filing requirements. Ensure smooth compliance a...
Income Tax : Learn about advance tax, who needs to pay it, due dates, payment methods, penalties, and exceptions. Understand advance tax instal...
Finance : Learn about IFSCA regulations enabling foreign universities to set up branches in GIFT IFSC. Details include eligibility, fees, co...
Custom Duty : This FAQ guide provides clarity on key aspects of customs duties and tariff structure updates in Budget 2025-26. Basic Customs Dut...
CA, CS, CMA : Updates to UDIN portal include a shift from alphanumeric to numeric data type for figures across Certificates, GST & Tax Audit, an...
CA, CS, CMA : Detailed clarifications on ICAI's Peer Review Mandate, phases of implementation, applicability, and key definitions for audit prac...
SEBI : Learn about NSEs guidelines for filing Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reports (BRSR). FAQs, observations, and guidelin...
SEBI : Find answers to FAQs on Trading Window closure under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, in the National Stoc...
Fema / RBI : Explore the recent RBI action against Paytm Payments Bank under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, its impact on accounts,...
Corporate Law : Explore the updated FAQs on the implementation of the EPFO judgment dated 04.11.2022. Understand proof requirements, pension compu...
Corporate Law : Explore frequently asked questions on the SOP for inspection of establishments by EPFO. Get insights from related circulars, guide...
What is Company Law settlement Scheme, 2010 (CLSS), 2010? . “Company Law Settlement Scheme, 2010” is a scheme to give opportunity to the defaulting Companies to enable them to make their default good by filing belated documents and to become a regular compliant in future. Refer General Circular No 1/2010 available on MCA portal under News & Events and under heading Act, Bills and Rules.
Q. What is Easy Exit Scheme (EES), 2010? A. “Easy Exit Scheme, 2010” is a scheme to give opportunity to the defunct companies to get their names struck off from the register under Section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956.
GST is a tax on goods and services with comprehensive and continuous chain of set-off benefits from the producer’s point and service provider’s point upto the retailer’s level. It is essentially a tax only on value addition at each stage, and a supplier at each stage is permitted to set-off, through a tax credit mechanism, the GST paid on the purchase of goods and services as available for set-off on the GST to be paid on the supply of goods and services.
Q.1 What is CIBIL? CIBIL – India’s first credit information bureau- is a repository of information, which contains the credit history of commercial and consumer borrowers. CIBIL provides this information to its Members in the form of credit information reports.
In furtherance of e-governance initiatives, provisions regarding stamp duty applicable on filing of e-forms have been amended and stakeholders shall have facility to pay stamp duty in electronic manner also. As of now, this process shall cover Form 1(including MoA, AoA), Form 5 and Form 44 only, accordingly revised eforms are being introduced w.e.f. 12.09.2009. […]
1. Question: What is property? Answer: Property implies a bundle of rights over a thing. The scope of such rights is variable and can extend to excluding everyone else from interfering with his enjoyment of that thing.
Frequently Asked Questions on AS 11 notification – Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2009 (G.S.R. 225 (E) dt. 31.3.09) issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. ASB Guidance in the form of FAQs on AS 11 notification – Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2009 (G.S.R. 225 (E) dt. 31.3.09) issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs does […]
What is the New Pension System (NPS)? It is a system where individuals fund, during their work life, their financial security for old age when they no longer work. All those who join up would get a Permanent Retirement Account (PRA), which can be accessed online and through so-called points of presence (PoPs).
1. What is a trade mark? A trade mark (popularly known as brand name) in layman’s language is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods […]
(1) These rules may be called the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004. (2) They shall come into force on the 2nd day of August, 2004.