Company Law : Understand why independent directors are prohibited from receiving ESOPs under Indian law, while profit-based commissions are perm...
Company Law : Independent Directors cannot acquire sweat equity shares or ESOPs due to restrictions under the Companies Act and SEBI regulations...
Income Tax : Learn about Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOPs), their lifecycle, SEBI regulations, and tax calculations under the Finance Act 2...
Income Tax : Understand the taxation on ESOPs, including when options are exercised and shares are sold, and related TDS provisions for employe...
Corporate Law : Explore the differences between the ESOP Trust route and Direct route for employee stock options, including advantages and disadva...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, Section 47 will exclude transfers of capital assets under gifts or wills from capital gains tax, with specific...
Income Tax : Delve into complex tax implications of ESOPs, Sweat Equity, CSOPs, Phantom Shares, and Stock Appreciation Rights in our live webin...
Income Tax : The section states that ESOPs issued free of cost or at concessional rates will be taxed on the date of exercise on the differenc...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the Employee Stock Option Plans [ESOP] expenses should not be regarded contingent or notional and it should ...
Income Tax : The Karnataka High Court, upholding the ITAT's order, reiterated that discounts on the issuance of ESOPs are allowable deductions ...
Income Tax : Madras High Court held that compensation paid to ESOP holders qualifies as perquisite and hence taxable under the head ‘salary...
Income Tax : Tribunal upholds CIT(A) decisions in DCIT Vs Astral Limited case, offering key insights on TP adjustments, ESOP expenses, and Sect...
Income Tax : In the case of Sanjay Baweja Vs DCIT, the Delhi High Court ruled that one-time payments in lieu of ESOPs do not constitute salary ...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Circular 213/07/2024 clarifies GST applicability on ESOP/ESPP/RSU provided by foreign holding companies to Indian subsidiarie...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs penalizes WURKNET PRIVATE LIMITED for violating Companies Act, 2013 by not disclosing ESOP detai...
Company Law : Company at its Board Meeting convened on 05.04.2021 unanimously accorded its approval for grant of 327 options under the Scheme to...
SEBI : Q. Upon listing of the Company, will it be permissible, as per the SEBI SBEB & SE Regulations, for stock options to be granted...
SEBI : As per Regulation 9(2) of the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (SBEB Regulations) the company may permit t...
This is my approach to explain the ESOPs Accounting, Taxation & Compliance in simpler terms. Ind AS (Accounting) The accounting for ESOP is dealt by Ind AS 102, Share-based Payment. First we need to understand terminology used in ESOP, which are as follow: Grant : Grant means issue of options to employees under ESOP. Exercise: It […]
Deferring TDS or tax payment in respect of income pertaining to Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) of start- ups. ESOPs have been a significant component of the compensation for the employees of start-ups, as it allows the founders and start-ups to employ highly talented employees at a relatively low salary amount with balance being made […]
First prima-facie impression and euphoria of the Union Budget 2020, especially the Finance Bill 2020, appeared to be of one a taxpayer-pro budget, with the Queen (Read FM), giving copiously to her masses. But is this euphoria for a real?
Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. This blog focuses on exploring the unknown elements of the Union Budget 2020-21 and analyses impact of proposed changes in Tax on Indian economy. Nirmala Sitharaman (Finance Minister (FM)) played very safely in his debut budget last time and kept distance from crucial issues to serve justice […]
Employee stock options (ESOP) are part of an Employee benefits program offered by Startups to engage the employees in a more effective manner. The ESOPs issued to the employees provide them the benefit or right to purchase the shares of the Employer company, at a predetermined price, in a future date. Widely considered as a […]
It really hurts to see a large pie of the salary cut towards tax. So the obvious question in everyones mind is How do I reduce my tax?. Every year we are forced to invest in something which reduces our tax liability. It may be NSC…it may be PPF…it may be ulip…it may be Mutual Fund ELSS.
What is Startup India? Startup India, initiated by the Government of India is a flagship initiative launched in January 2016. This initiative is taken by the government of India to boost the ecosystem for supporting innovation and startups in India. Through this scheme, the government is looking forward to driving sustainable economic development and enhance […]
The following are the important aspects of ESOPs in relation to the legal framework, procedure for its issuance, tax implications upon its exercise and on sale, its compliances and reporting:
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is the option provided to employees to purchase the shares of the company at a future date at a pre-determined price. ESOPs give the employee a right to purchase the share, but not an obligation, to buy a certain amount of shares in the company at a predetermined price for […]
Pr. CIT Vs Lemon Tree Hotels (P) Ltd. (Delhi High Court) The question of law urged with respect to expenditure claimed towards case of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) has been subject matter of previous orders of this Court in respect of the present assessee. For A.Y. 2008-09 in ITA 107/2017 (Commissioner of Income Tax […]