Income Tax : Switzerland halts the unilateral application of the MFN clause under its tax treaty with India from 2025, following the Indian Sup...
Income Tax : Learn how international transactions are taxed under India’s Income Tax Act, including DTAAs, transfer pricing, TDS provisions, ...
Income Tax : Switzerland suspends the MFN clause with India following a Supreme Court ruling in the Nestle case, impacting dividend tax rates f...
Income Tax : Explore the tax implications for IPL players, including income tax for Indian and overseas players, TDS rates, and the role of DTA...
Income Tax : Explore the India-Mauritius DTAA's impact, treaty shopping challenges, and recent amendments aimed at preventing tax abuse and fos...
Income Tax : Explore challenges in TRC applications under DTAA by Indian companies. KSCAA proposes reforms for a simpler, efficient process. Le...
Income Tax : Explore the details of India's Double Tax Treaty with Cyprus, its signing date, benefits for both nations, tax recovery provisions...
Income Tax : Need for early amendment of DTAA regulations to stop the double taxation of Indian IT firms: Ms. Anupriya Patel tells the visiting...
Income Tax : The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved anAgreement between the Republic of India and Sa...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Slovak Republic tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modif...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court held that TDS is not deductible on payment to non-residents for advertisements in several social medias like ...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that that reimbursement of expenses at cost is not taxable as fees for technical services since there is no eleme...
Income Tax : Respondent/assessee is a Irish company. It accordingly claimed benefits of the India-Ireland DTAA. ADIR is a wholly owned subsidia...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi rules IT support payments to CPP UK not taxable as fees for technical services due to failure of ‘make available’ t...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled on TVF Fund Ltd’s appeal regarding tax loss set-off under DTAA. Key issues include carry-forward losses, taxab...
Income Tax : Circular No. 01/2025 outlines the application of the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) under India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreemen...
Income Tax : Explore the Notification No. 33/2024 on the agreement between India and Spain for tax exchange. Understand its implications and ch...
Income Tax : Explore implications of Notification No. 21/2024 from Indias Ministry of Finance regarding the tax information exchange pact with ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 96/2023-Income Tax: Learn about the agreement between India and Saint Vincent for tax information exchange and as...
Income Tax : Notification No. 24/2023- Income-Tax Dated: 03rd May, 2023 under section 90(1) of Income tax Act, 1961 regarding Agreement and Pro...
India has received information on around 1,500 transactions from Denmark and Finland under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements with these countries and the CBDT is looking into the data.
As you know, I am here primarily to sign the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) as was agreed during the visit of Prime Minister of Nepal to India on October 20-23, 2011. I am happy that we have revised the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement today. The revised DTAA will provide tax stability to the residents of India and Nepal and facilitate mutual economic cooperation as well as stimulate the flow of investment, technology and services between India and Nepal. In the revised DTAA the threshold withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, etc., are rationalised to reflect the present day situation and developments in the area of international taxation.
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Nepal will be signed tomorrow by the Finance Ministers of both the countries in Kathmandu. This Agreement (DTAA) would replace an earlier Agreement between two countries which was signed way back in 1987. The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee will be visiting Nepal on a day’s […]
The Finance Minister of Nepal Mr Pun assured Shri Mukherjee about the safety and security of Indian businessmen visiting Nepal. He sought support of the Finance Minister Shri Mukherjee in completing various projects in Nepal. He also assured that finalization of DTAA between two countries would also be got expedited. He thanked Shri Mukherjee for all his support to Nepal and invited him to visit Kathmandu at the earliest.
The following achievements are noteworthy: a) Huge network of amended DTAA (81) and TIEA with tax havens (4) has been created. b) Specific requests in 333 cases (220 by Foreign Tax Division of CBDT and 113 by FIU) have been made by Indian authorities for obtaining information from foreign jurisdictions. c) Over 9900 pieces of Information obtained (9743 information by Foreign Tax Division of CBDT and 177 information by FIU) regarding suspicious transactions by Indian citizens from several countries have been obtained which are now under different stages of processing and investigation.
Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee said that there is a need for transparent arrangement with a legal framework for exchange of information between India and Philippines relating to banking and tax related matters. The Finance Minister Shri Mukherjee raised this issue during his bilateral meeting with his Philippines’ counterpart Mr. Cesar V. Purisima when the later called on him, here today.
CIT vs. M/s BKI/HAM v.o.f. (Uttarakhand High Court)-Tribunal in the assessment order 1995-96 as well as the appellate authority in the assessment order 1994-95 have categorically given a finding of fact that the entire duration of the contract was from 27th December, 1993 till 26th June, 1994, i.e., less than six months. Article 5 (3) of the treaty provided that in order to constitute a permanent establishment such site or project should continue for a period of more than six months.
Notification No. 54/2011 – Income Tax Whereas, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and Government of the British Virgin Islands for the exchange of information relating to taxes was signed at London. UK on the 9th day of February, 2011; And whereas, the date of entry into force of the said Agreement is the 22nd day of August, 2011, being the date of later of the notifications of completion of the procedures as required by the respective laws for entry into force of the said Agreement, in accordance with Article 14 of the said Agreement;
India has signed a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) with Estonia and has also forged a pact to work with the European nation in the fields of information, communications and technology (ICT). Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal signed the pact during his visit to Estonia on September 19, during which he also met Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, an official statement said.
India Signs DTAA with Georgia -The Government of India today signed an Agreement for Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital (DTAA) with Government of Georgia. The Agreement was signed today by Mr. M.C.Joshi, Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT) on behalf of the Government of India and Mr. Zurab Katchkatchishvili, Ambassador of Georgia to India on behalf of the Government of Georgia.