Income Tax : Switzerland halts the unilateral application of the MFN clause under its tax treaty with India from 2025, following the Indian Sup...
Income Tax : Learn how international transactions are taxed under India’s Income Tax Act, including DTAAs, transfer pricing, TDS provisions, ...
Income Tax : Switzerland suspends the MFN clause with India following a Supreme Court ruling in the Nestle case, impacting dividend tax rates f...
Income Tax : Explore the tax implications for IPL players, including income tax for Indian and overseas players, TDS rates, and the role of DTA...
Income Tax : Explore the India-Mauritius DTAA's impact, treaty shopping challenges, and recent amendments aimed at preventing tax abuse and fos...
Income Tax : Explore challenges in TRC applications under DTAA by Indian companies. KSCAA proposes reforms for a simpler, efficient process. Le...
Income Tax : Explore the details of India's Double Tax Treaty with Cyprus, its signing date, benefits for both nations, tax recovery provisions...
Income Tax : Need for early amendment of DTAA regulations to stop the double taxation of Indian IT firms: Ms. Anupriya Patel tells the visiting...
Income Tax : The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved anAgreement between the Republic of India and Sa...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Slovak Republic tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modif...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court held that TDS is not deductible on payment to non-residents for advertisements in several social medias like ...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that that reimbursement of expenses at cost is not taxable as fees for technical services since there is no eleme...
Income Tax : Respondent/assessee is a Irish company. It accordingly claimed benefits of the India-Ireland DTAA. ADIR is a wholly owned subsidia...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi rules IT support payments to CPP UK not taxable as fees for technical services due to failure of ‘make available’ t...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled on TVF Fund Ltd’s appeal regarding tax loss set-off under DTAA. Key issues include carry-forward losses, taxab...
Income Tax : Circular No. 01/2025 outlines the application of the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) under India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreemen...
Income Tax : Explore the Notification No. 33/2024 on the agreement between India and Spain for tax exchange. Understand its implications and ch...
Income Tax : Explore implications of Notification No. 21/2024 from Indias Ministry of Finance regarding the tax information exchange pact with ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 96/2023-Income Tax: Learn about the agreement between India and Saint Vincent for tax information exchange and as...
Income Tax : Notification No. 24/2023- Income-Tax Dated: 03rd May, 2023 under section 90(1) of Income tax Act, 1961 regarding Agreement and Pro...
DCIT Vs Sisecam Flat Glass India Ltd. (ITAT Kolkata) Monitoring fees paid by the assssee to DEG Bank, Germany qualified as ‘interest’ both under Income-tax Act, 1961 as well as the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India & Germany and the payment made in question was not liable to Income-tax under the Act in terms […]
This article seeks to highlight certain key differences between the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) units, Export Oriented Units (EOU) and Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) units[1] in terms of their various benefits and compliances from an indirect tax point of view. Subject SEZ Unit EOU Unit DTA Unit Area of operations / Setting Up Can be […]
The Hon’ble Supreme Court on 2nd March 2021 in the case of Engineering Analysis Centre of Excellence Private Limited Vs CIT, put a rest to the contentious issue of tax on Payment by end users or tech companies in India to suppliers abroad on import of software as ‘Royalty’. Let’s understand what was the issue […]
The whole Covid-19 pandemic situation has made government to release a lot of relaxations and clarifications. One major concern that was brought forward for the clarification was the question of double taxation. Due to the pandemic, lot of flights were suspended making the temporary stay of the non-residents in India to extend for the further […]
1. There have been a lot of ambiguities have arisen regarding the payment made to a non-resident entity for the grant of the use of computer software by a businessman in India for internal business purposes. 2. The Income Tax Department has been treating such payments as royalty and accordingly, bringing the same to tax in India.
What is of importance is that once a DTAA applies, the provisions of the Income Tax Act can only apply to the extent that they are more beneficial to the assessee and not otherwise. Further, by explanation 4 to section 90 of the Income Tax Act, it has been clarified by the Parliament that where any term is defined in a DTAA, the definition contained in the DTAA is to be looked at.
Cloud hosting services provided USA company to its Indian customers were not covered under the definition of ‘royalties’ as per India-US Tax Treaty as the agreement was to provide hosting services simpliciter and was not for the purpose of giving the underlying equipment on hire or lease and accordingly, it could not be said as royalty within the meaning of Explanation (2) to Section 9(1)(vi) as well as Article 12(3)(b) of the Indo-USA Data by AO and DRP.
Income earned by assessee from sale of software, either directly to the customers in India or through Distributors or Resellers constituted its business income and not the Royalty income. As admittedly assessee did not have any Permanent Establishment in India, such income will not magnetize Indian taxation.
SCA Hygiene Products AB (Essity Hygiene And Health AB) Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) In order to decide whether or not the services rendered by the assessee fit the definition of ‘fees for technical services’, as applicable under the Indo Swedish tax treaty, the question that we must ask ourselves is not only whether the technical […]
DZ Bank AG – India Representative Office Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) Interest Income & commitment fees earned by DZ Bank from its Indian clients could be taxed under article 11 instead of article 7 of Indian Branch under Tax Treaty: Conclusion: Interest income and commitment fees earned by DZ Bank from its Indian clients could […]