Income Tax : Discover the implications of a significant Delhi ITAT ruling on cash sales pre-demonetization. Learn how it affects taxation and f...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of demonetization on cash deposits in India and the key legal insights from Section 69A vs. Section 44AD cases....
Fema / RBI : Public can continue to use ₹2000 banknotes for their transactions and also receive them in payment. However, they are encouraged...
Finance : Understand the implications of depositing the Rs. 2000 note in banks amid its withdrawal from circulation. Explore challenges, inc...
Income Tax : Explore the potential pitfalls and opportunities of the new income tax amnesty scheme. Learn how to convert black money into white...
CA, CS, CMA : SFIO, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, arrests CA Nalin Prabhat Panchal in Hyderabad for failure to honor summons related to Nityank...
Income Tax : No study on effect of withdrawal of legal tender character of the Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) on Indian economy has been published...
Income Tax : Demonetisation, inter alia, led to detection of black money, increase in tax collection and widening of tax base: Union MoS for Fi...
Fema / RBI : Value of counterfeit notes detected in banking system reduced from ₹43.47 crores in 2016-17 to ₹8.26 crores in 2021-22 since d...
Income Tax : An analysis of the search cases, conducted by Income Tax Department (ITD), involving cash seizures of more than Rs 5 crores in the...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai deletes additions under Section 69A for cash deposits made during demonetization by P. Tamilmani. Case highlights pro...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai remands case for fresh assessment, allowing Ramesh Sreenivasalu to submit documents on demonetization cash deposits. ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad sets aside assessment order on demonetization cash deposits, citing natural justice violations. Case remanded for f...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai allows reassessment of ₹54.70 lakh cash deposits during demonetization, granting the assessee another opportunity s...
Income Tax : Delhi HC dismisses revenue's appeal, affirming that cash sales during demonetization, accounted for and taxed, cannot be treated a...
Fema / RBI : RBI provides an update on the withdrawal status of ₹2000 banknotes, with 98% of notes returned by October 31, 2024....
Fema / RBI : RBI has extended deadline for withdrawal of ₹2000 banknotes to October 7, 2023. Learn about new guidelines and arrangements....
Fema / RBI : Reserve Bank of India's decision to withdraw ₹2000 banknotes has been highly effective, with 93% of these notes already returned...
Company Law : Introduction: In a significant move towards ensuring financial transparency and accountability, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs ...
Fema / RBI : Addressing circulating media reports, the Reserve Bank of India emphatically denies allegations of missing banknotes. The RBI stre...
Keeping in view the investigations pending with law enforcement agencies, proceedings pending at various courts, you are advised to preserve the CCTV recordings of operations at bank branches and currency chests for the period from November 08, 2016 to December 30, 2016 in a proper way, till further orders.
Legal implications of deposit of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) vis-à-vis Section 69A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 It has been considerable time since the demonetization of the earlier bank notes of denomination Rs.1,000/- and Rs.5,000/-, also referred to as the Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) was implemented by the Central Government by notification in the Official […]
Nilkantha Saha Vs ITO (ITAT Kolkata) AO Cannot Simultaneously Reject and Rely Audited Books And Make Additions Under Section 68 For Cash Deposit During Demonetisation Period Out Of Cash Sales From a perusal of the cash deposits/ banking transactions, the Ld. A.R drew our attention to the fact that as per the audited books, especially […]
Leela Devi Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) It is not in dispute that assessee made cash deposit of Rs. 15 lakhs in her bank account during demonetization period. The assessment year under appeal is 2017-18 and the assessee deliberately filed the return of income belatedly on 25.03.2018. The assessee explained before AO the source of the […]
The primary reason for bringing out the Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwaas Scheme 2020, as asserted by the learned Revenue Secretary is to ensure amicable resolution of disputes arising out of OCM/Demonetisation Cases. The Income-tax department has launched an aggressive outreach drive, wherein, a large number of jewellers and real-estate developers have been sent notices, emails and proposals to opt for this Tax Amnesty Scheme and avail the benefit of immunity from interest and penalty and even prosecution.
Nawal Kishore Soni Vs ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) It is evident from entries found in cash book of Ram Kumar Soni and from statement recorded from assessee in course of survey that assessee purchased gold in period of demonetization which was obviously for sale to persons on receiving cash from them as the same is normal […]
Krishna, from 1st April 2017, for accepting cash people have become very much conservative. Please tell me what precautions anyone should take while accepting cash?
Yes, in certain case even if assessee received money through proper banking channels still it may attract tax @ 82.50% if assessee could not explain its source, identity and creditworthiness etc of the lender/giver of the amount to the satisfaction of Assessing Officer
Is addition u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act justified in case of Cash Sale duly credited in P & L Account and offered for taxation? During the Demonetization period (i.e. 09/11/2016 to 31/12/2016), there has been a huge deposition of cash in old demonetized currency (or SBN) notes in various Bank Account. It was […]
The love towards money can lead to problems like demonetarization of currency etc which can further lead to more tax evaders in our society.