Income Tax : Through tax laws on Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs) like cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), India has initiated the pr...
Finance : RollerCoin platform offers an alternative way to make money without cluttering your home space, massive spending, and months of me...
Income Tax : Explore cryptocurrency taxation in India, including tax rates, GST ambiguities, compliance issues, and the need for a clear regula...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 proposes mandatory reporting of crypto-asset transactions, effective from April 2026, with penalties for ina...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 mandates reporting entities to furnish prescribed information on crypto-asset transactions as part of India's co...
Finance : CBI conducts searches across India in the GainBitcoin scam, seizing digital evidence and crypto wallets to trace misappropriated f...
Finance : CBI probes ₹350 crore cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes, recovering cash, digital assets, and evidence. Fraud involved unregulated de...
Finance : Indian government discusses VDA regulation, taxation, and global collaboration. No timeline set for guidelines; risks and innovati...
Goods and Services Tax : Details of GST evasion cases by cryptocurrency exchanges in India, including investigations and actions taken by the Government of...
Finance : Financial Intelligence Unit India issues compliance notices to 9 offshore Virtual Digital Assets Service Providers. Ministry of Fi...
Corporate Law : Allahabad High Court dismisses plea to quash FIR against Mahendra Pratap Srivastava ('Zoom Baba') in Ruby Coin crypto fraud, citin...
Income Tax : "ITAT Jodhpur rules Bitcoin gains as long-term capital gains (LTCG) and allows Section 54F deduction for AY 2021-22. Read the deta...
Income Tax : Assessee to satisfy the authority by submitting Crypto currency ledger to verify information as was submitted by him before AO in ...
Corporate Law : Tata Sons Private Limited Vs Hakunamatata Tata Founders (Delhi High Court) The plaintiff is a company incorporated in India. Thoug...
Finance : Grant of bail was refused as applicant did not return the amounts due to the complainants and there was a breach of trust and fait...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore key changes in CGST (Amendment) Bill 2023, focusing on taxability of casinos, horse racing, and online gaming. Understand ...
Corporate Law : Central Government hereby notifies that the following activities when carried out for or on behalf of another natural or legal per...
Income Tax : Notification No. 75/2022- (Income-tax) | Dated: 30th June, 2022– CBDT specifies a token which qualifies to be a virtual digi...
Income Tax : Central Government hereby notifies following virtual digital assets which shall be excluded from the definition of virtual digital...
Income Tax : Amendment of Income Tax rule 31A and insertion of Form No. 26QF (Quarterly statement of tax deposited in relation to transfer of v...
What is Virtual Digital Asset? Finance Bill, 2022 has inserted a new clause 47A to define virtual digital asset. As per the new clause, a virtual digital asset include any information or code or number or token generated through cryptographic means or otherwise, by whatever name called, providing a digital representation of value which is […]
Crypto has become a parallel currency, allowing transfer of value held in digital wallet, from one person to another, without going through a central authority or bank and to allow the digital asset, as consideration for purchase of goods and services. This maxim, is most relevant to the context we discuss herein, as we understand the implications of GST on supply of such digital assets.
The wait for the most awaited amendment if finally over. The Finance Act 2022 has finally introduced a taxation mechanism on crypto currencies and crypto assets. This article will give you a brief overview about how crypto currencies and crypto assets will be taxed in India. Firstly, it is important to understand where the crypto […]
In 2014, the IRS issued Notice 2014-21, 2014-16 I.R.B. 938 explaining that virtual currency is treated as property for Federal income tax purposes and providing examples of how longstanding tax principles applicable to transactions involving property apply to virtual currency. With our income tax authorities going to bite virtual currency as explained in the recent budget […]
The Indian Government has been thoroughly focussing on digitalisation as part of it’s India governance. Be it the Digital India programme and integration of ministries on digital platforms or mandating data localisation in India, the Government does not seem to be leaving any stone unturned to embrace technological developments and innovations to the fullest. The […]
Due to the increase in the frequency and volume of transactions of Virtual Digital Assets, for the First Time, the provision for the taxation of virtual digital assets is introduced in Budget 2022, bringing Cryptocurrencies & Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) under a tax net.
What is a Virtual Digital Asset, how will it be taxed and what are the various uncertainties affecting it’s taxation? Amidst the craze and fanfare of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, while the crypto and NFT traders, investors and enthusiasts were consumed in experiencing the daily ups and downs of the market, the Govt of India has […]
In Budget 2022, the government has officially termed digital assets including crypto assets under ‘Virtual Digital Assets’ (VDA’s) comprising of all the cryptos such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc, and other digital assets such as Non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman has announced the introduction of Digital Currency into the Indian Economy in Budget 2022. It would be Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). RBI will bring this New Format of Currency in the Upcoming Financial Year. CBDC is a big move for the Indian Economy and India will become the first […]
The Budget 2022 has witnessed a renewed push for digital India – be it digital rupee, e-passport, e-Vidya, digitization of land records, digital banking, digital universities, the Government has laid out a digital vision towards new India. The Government has rightly always sought to immerse technology in the optimum manner in it’s pursuit towards ease […]