Corporate Law : Analysis of the Supreme Court's decision in Coal India Ltd vs CCI on applying the Competition Act to state monopolies, including C...
Corporate Law : Explore the Competition Commission of India’s merger remedies, including structural, behavioral, and hybrid solutions, to addres...
Corporate Law : Digital Competition Bill marks a shift to ex-ante regulation in India, addressing anti-competitive practices before they occur, re...
Corporate Law : CCI finds no evidence of PVR's alleged abuse of dominance in film exhibition. Claims lacked support, validating PVR's business str...
Corporate Law : Explore the challenges of competition in the healthcare sector, focusing on market concentration, affordability, access, and regul...
Corporate Law : CCI invites stakeholder comments on the draft Competition Commission of India (Conduct) Rules, 2025, ensuring ethics, confidential...
Corporate Law : CCI's directive restricting WhatsApp data sharing for ads faces an interim stay by NCLAT. Government awaits legal resolution on da...
Corporate Law : Explore the proposed amendments to Regulations 35, 37, and 50 of the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations 2009. L...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India (CCI) seeks feedback on the draft regulations for determining turnover or income. Share your c...
Corporate Law : Stay informed on the latest CCI (General) Regulation amendments for Interlocutory Applications. Learn about numbering, fees, and s...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India rejected Moses Pinto’s complaint against Victor Hospital, ruling no violation of Sections 3 ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects claims of anti-competitive conduct by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti and RailTel in PM SHRI scheme tender, citing lack of e...
Corporate Law : The CCI finds no evidence of bid rigging in Aegis Logistics' tender process. Read the details of the case and judicial precedents ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects allegations that Microsoft abused its dominant position in Windows OS market to favor its Defender antivirus, finding ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects claims of collusion in Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana toolkit tenders, citing lack of evidence against Pragyawan & ...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India (CCI) notifies new regulations for recovering monetary penalties, detailing procedures for dem...
Corporate Law : CCI penalizes Meta ₹213.14 crore for abusing dominance through WhatsApp's 2021 Privacy Policy update. Cease-and-desist orders an...
Corporate Law : Clause (f) of Section 19 of the Competition Amendment Act 2023 comes into effect on 19th September 2024, as per the Ministry of Co...
Corporate Law : Central Government enforces key sections of the Competition Amendment Act, 2023 from 10th September 2024, including sections 6 to ...
Corporate Law : CCI issues Combinations Regulations 2024 under the Competition Act, focusing on M&A transactions, value determination, and busines...
To sum up, the policy planners, public procurement officials and CCI should work together as a team to deter bid rigging through robust enforcement, increased vigilance, and better designed public procurement programs.
Cartels are agreements between enterprises (including a person, a government department and association of persons / enterprises) not to compete on price, product (including goods and services) or customers. The objective of a cartel is to raise price above competitive levels, resulting in injury to consumers and to the economy. For the consumers, cartelisation results in higher prices, poor quality and less or no choice for goods or/and services.
The information can be filed on the issues like anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominant position or a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition in the markets in India.
Compliance involves the active efforts on the part of an enterprise to comply with the provisions of the Act. When the enterprise takes certain necessary and concrete steps to ensure that knowingly or unknowingly it does not infringe the provisions of the Competition Act, 2002, it can be stated to follow a ‘Competition Compliance Programme’.
Q.1 WHAT IS COMPETITION IN THE MARKET? a In common parlance, competition in the market means sellers striving independently for buyers’ patronage to maximize profit (or other business objectives). a A buyer prefers to buy a product at a price that maximizes his benefits whereas the seller prefers to sell the product at a price […]
REVISED THRESHOLDS On March 4, 2016, the Central Government issued notifications pertaining to the statutory thresholds for the purposes of “combinations” under Section 5 of the Competition Act, 2002 (Act). 1. Increase in thresholds: Pursuant to Notification No. S.O. 675(E) dated March 4, 2016, the value of assets and the value of turnover has been […]
Central Government in consultation with the Competition Commission of India, hereby enhances, on the basis of the wholesale price index, the value of assets and the value of turnover, by hundred per cent for the purposes of section 5 of the said Act,
Central Government, in public interest, hereby exempts the ‘Group’ exercising less than fifty per cent. of voting rights in other enterprise from the provisions of section 5 of the said Act for a period of five years with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the official gazette.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 54 of the Competition Act, 2002 (12 of 2003), the Central Government, in public interest, hereby exempts an enterprise, whose control, shares, voting rights or assets are being acquired has either assets of the value of not more than rupees three hundred and fifty crores in India
Technology Market refers to market platforms driven by new technologies, shrouding over the age-old market platforms. With the advent of e-commerce facilities selling, purchasing, hiring of any goods and services is seen to be in the hands of the consumers.