Corporate Law : Explore the Competition Commission of India’s merger remedies, including structural, behavioral, and hybrid solutions, to addres...
Corporate Law : CCI penalizes Maruti Suzuki ₹200 crore for restricting dealer discounts under anti-competitive policies. Case highlights include...
Corporate Law : CCI finds no evidence of PVR's alleged abuse of dominance in film exhibition. Claims lacked support, validating PVR's business str...
Corporate Law : CCI fined Maruti Suzuki for restricting dealer discounts, impacting competition and consumer welfare in the Indian automotive mar...
Goods and Services Tax : CCI mandates passing on GST rate cuts to consumers, directing Cinema Ventures to deposit Rs. 54.44 lakh in the Consumer Welfare Fu...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India seeks public feedback on the draft Cost of Production Regulations 2025, replacing the 2009 rul...
Corporate Law : CCI's directive restricting WhatsApp data sharing for ads faces an interim stay by NCLAT. Government awaits legal resolution on da...
Corporate Law : CCI seeks stakeholder comments on proposed amendments to the 2011 Penalty Recovery Regulations, aiming to streamline penalty recov...
Corporate Law : Explore proposed amendments to the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations, 2009, analyzing their impact and implica...
Corporate Law : Explore the proposed amendments to Regulations 35, 37, and 50 of the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations 2009. L...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India rejected Moses Pinto’s complaint against Victor Hospital, ruling no violation of Sections 3 ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects claims of anti-competitive conduct by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti and RailTel in PM SHRI scheme tender, citing lack of e...
Corporate Law : The CCI finds no evidence of bid rigging in Aegis Logistics' tender process. Read the details of the case and judicial precedents ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects allegations that Microsoft abused its dominant position in Windows OS market to favor its Defender antivirus, finding ...
Corporate Law : CCI rejects claims of collusion in Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana toolkit tenders, citing lack of evidence against Pragyawan & ...
Corporate Law : The Competition Commission of India (CCI) notifies new regulations for recovering monetary penalties, detailing procedures for dem...
Corporate Law : CCI penalizes Meta ₹213.14 crore for abusing dominance through WhatsApp's 2021 Privacy Policy update. Cease-and-desist orders an...
Corporate Law : Explore the amendments to the Competition Commission of India (CCI) regulations in 2024, enhancing transparency and procedures. Un...
Corporate Law : Discover the Competition Commission of Indias in-depth study on AI's impact on competition, efficiency, and innovation. Get insigh...
Corporate Law : Competition Commission of India announces new regulations and penalty guidelines to streamline competition law enforcement. Read m...
Competition Commission of India (‘Commission’) after detailed inquiry has found SAAR IT Resources Private Limited, CADD Systems and Services Private Limited and Pentacle Consultants (I) Private Limited to be in contravention of the provisions of Section 3(3)(d) read with Section 3(1) of the Competition Act, 2002 (‘Act’), for entering into an arrangement to rig the bids of a tender floated by Pune Municipal Corporation in the year 2015 for ‘Selection of agency for carrying out geo-enabled tree census using GIS & GPS Technology’.
Competition Commission of India (‘Commission’) has found Madhya Pradesh Chemists and Druggist Association (‘MPCDA’), Indore Chemists Association (‘ICA’), Himalaya Drug Company (‘HDC’) and Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited (‘IPL’) along with some of their office bearers/officials to be in contravention of the provisions of the Competition Act, 2002 (‘Act’).
The Competition Commission of India (‘CCI’) passed a Final Order imposing penalty on Panasonic Energy India Co. Limited (‘Panasonic’) and Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Limited (‘Godrej’) for colluding to fix prices of zinc-carbon dry cell batteries in India.
Ravi Pal Vs All India Sugar Trade Association (AISTA) (CCI) After appreciation of the allegations of the Informant and documents submitted including the oral submissions made by the Informant, the Commission is of the view that no evidence has been provided by the Informant to show that there was any meeting of minds between the […]
Mr. Meet Shah Vs Union of India, Ministry of Railway (Competition Commissioner of India) Railway and IRCTC (Opposite Parties) have not been able to convince the Commission as to why the policy of rounding off of actual base fares to the next higher multiple of Rs.5 is applicable to the sale of online tickets, when […]
Velankani Electronics Private Limited Vs Intel Corporation (Competition commission of India) The OP has also argued that it has no incentive to deny access to anyone to the Server or Server-Board market segment. The OP’s interests are aligned to ensure multiple manufacturers of Server-Boards and Servers. Since the OP’s primary focus in the Server business […]
Competition Commission of India brings-out Policy Note on ‘Making Markets Work for Affordable Healthcare’ Over the nine years of enforcement of the Competition Act, 2002 (the Act), the Competition Commission of India (‘the Commission’) has received 52 cases pertaining to the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector. The Commission, while deciding on the cases, has observed that […]
Competition Commission of India (CCI), in continuation of its efforts towards simplifying and providing greater clarity on the application of the combination provisions of the Act and the Combination Regulations, has further amended the Combination Regulations on 09th October 2018.
CCI imposes penalties upon Sugar Mills and their Associations for rigging the bids in respect of Joint Tender floated by Oil Marketing Companies for procurement of Ethanol for blending with Petrol
CCI approves the combination of Linde Aktiengesellschaft and Praxair, Inc. under Section 31(7) of the Competition Act, 2002, subject to modifications/remedies to address the Anti-competitive effects resulting from the said combination. On 11th January 2018, the Competition Commission of India (Commission) received a notice jointly given by Linde Aktiengesellschaft (Linde) and Praxair, Inc. (Praxair) (collectively, Parties) in relation to the combination of Linde and Praxair under a newly […]