Finance : A credit rating is an evaluation of a credit worthiness of potential borrower’s and its ability to meet the debt service obligat...
Company Law : Charge is the security given for securing the loan or debentures. Security can be provided wither by way of Mortgage/Pledge/Hypoth...
Fema / RBI : Under FEMA all the transactions are divided into two categories: (1) Capital Account transactions (2) Current account transactions...
Finance : CDR Cover following cases - Multiple Banking accounts/Consortium Banking of Corporate Borrower engaged in type of activity with...
A credit rating is an evaluation of a credit worthiness of potential borrower’s and its ability to meet the debt service obligations as and when they arise. A credit rating tells a lender or investor the probability of the subject being able to pay back a loan. Credit rating is only an opinion but not […]
Charge is the security given for securing the loan or debentures. Security can be provided wither by way of Mortgage/Pledge/Hypothecation. There are two types of Charges a) Fixed Charge:- Fixed charge mean charge which is created in respect of assets which is identified & ascertainable at time of in creation of charge. It is created […]
Under FEMA all the transactions are divided into two categories: (1) Capital Account transactions (2) Current account transactions As a general rule all the current account transactions under FEMA are permitted except those specified and all the capital account transactions are prohibited or regulated.
CDR Cover following cases – Multiple Banking accounts/Consortium Banking of Corporate Borrower engaged in type of activity with o/s fund based & non fund based limit of Rs 10 crores & above by banks and institutions. Initiative to resolve the case under CDR by at least 75% of creditors in value & 60% of creditors in quantity.