Income Tax : We have uploaded below a Budget booklet cum Direct Tax Ready Reckoner prepared by Lucknow CA Club which Budget Changes along with ...
Income Tax : For compliance of TDS provisions knowing correct name for a given PAN is vital. The 'ABCAUS- Know name from PAN utility' considera...
Finance : ABCAUS is an Excel template that works like any modern Billing, Accounting and Reporting Software. It has facility for and provide...
Income Tax : Download Revised Form 49A Excel Auto utility - This form should be used when the applicant has never applied for a PAN or does not...
Income Tax : Excel based Challan Utility for ITNS 280 and ITNS 281 - The utility given below will fill your Income Tax Challan No. 280 (For Pay...
Service Tax : This excel base GAR-7 Challan for payment of service tax is latest Based on circular no 165/16/2012 ( restoring Specific Accountin...
Finance : ABCAUS Excel Gantt Chart Maker Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of...
Finance : ABCAUS Task Reminder is excel based Task Reminder that can help you remind your important schedules. These schedules can be your p...
Finance : ABCAUS Personal Affairs Diary(PAD) is a digital record of your affairs and key information that can really help your spouse, famil...
Excel based Challan Utility for ITNS 280 and ITNS 281 – The utility given below will fill your Income Tax Challan No. 280 (For Payment of Income tax) and Income Tax Challan No. 280 (Related to Payment of TDS/TCS). With the excel utility files we attached one help file in word format which can be referred to understand how to use both the utilities.
We have uploaded below a Budget booklet cum Direct Tax Ready Reckoner prepared by Lucknow CA Club which Budget Changes along with handy day to day use information. The book contains the following updates :- Finance Ministers of India from 1947 to 2013 Highlights-Service Tax Highlights- Income Tax /Wealth Tax Section wise Major Changes Other […]
This excel base GAR-7 Challan for payment of service tax is latest Based on circular no 165/16/2012 ( restoring Specific Accounting Codes). It has facility of building and saving assessee database to avoid repetitive work. It has built in check for Wrong Assessee Code Structure. Totally menu driven and help section.
ABCAUS Excel Gantt Chart Maker Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a Schedule. With this excel based Gantt Chart Maker, Bar Chart of various schedules, like an Audit Program can be prepared. Download ABCAUS Excel Gantt Chart Maker
ABCAUS Task Reminder is excel based Task Reminder that can help you remind your important schedules. These schedules can be your professional meetings, seminars, appearances or even your personal affairs like Bill payments, Medical checkup etc.
ABCAUS Personal Affairs Diary(PAD) is a digital record of your affairs and key information that can really help your spouse, family or any loved one you really don’t want to be struggling or at a total loss in recovering important information, papers, money etc. in case of your untimely death or incapacitation due to sudden illness.
This excel base GAR-7 Challan for payment of service tax is Based on latest circular no 162/2012 dated on Negative List Approach. Has facility of building and saving assessee database to avoid repetitive work. It has built in check for Wrong Assessee Code Structure. Menu Driven and Help Section.
Income tax Calculator in excel format calculates tax payable by you on various source of income. It can calculate tax for all categories of Individuals including senior citizens and very senior citizens. It can calculate tax on all categories of income including business income, house property income, capital Gains, income from other sources etc. Calculator is easy and user friendly. Calculator not only consider income from various heads but it also considers the following :-
ABCAUS Excel Inventory Template and Tracker is MS Excel based solution for small to medium size trading firms. With its help Inventory can be recorded, tracked and valued. It has a very user-friendly interface and menu driven options with pop up help boxes to prevent an undesired input. It has a help box at the Gateway with a bundled separate help file.
For compliance of TDS provisions knowing correct name for a given PAN is vital. The ‘ABCAUS- Know name from PAN utility’ considerably shorten the process for knowing a name from PAN.