Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
CA, CS, CMA : In a partnership, compensation for the partners’ time, expertise, and capital investment is an important part of the busines...
Income Tax : Learn about disallowed expenses under PGBP in India's Income Tax Act. Understand key sections like 37, 40, and 40A, and their impa...
Income Tax : Income-tax Act contains provisions for taxability of various allowances received by a taxpayer. These allowances are either in the...
Income Tax : In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In ...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, rental income from house properties must be reported under "Income from House Property," not as business incom...
Income Tax : The introduction of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC), which will replace the 50-year-old Income Tax Act, will make Foreign Institutiona...
Income Tax : The proposed reduction in corporate tax rate from 30% to 25% in the new direct tax code is only one side of the story. The cut ha...
Income Tax : A Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement was signed between India and Tajikistan today, i.e. 20th November, 2008. The Agreement was s...
Income Tax : In ITO vs. Late Shri Chandi Ram, ITAT Jaipur upheld CIT(A)'s decision, recognizing arbitration and interest receipts from contract...
Income Tax : Assessee cannot include interest received on deposits as business receipts and estimate net profit under section 44AD on such inte...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that waiver of loan is not taxable under section 28(i) of the Income Tax Act as the same is not a business income....
Income Tax : Appellant builder treated Property as stock-in-trade & profits on its sale would be offered as business income and no rental incom...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that rental income from giving out commercial properties for compensation as per Memorandum of Association (MOA) ...
Income Tax : Clause (via) in section 28 is inserted by Finance Act, 2018, w.e.f. Financial year 2018-19 and it provides taxation of Inventory i...
Finance : A. P. (DIR Series)CIRCULAR NO03/RBI under Section 195 of the Income Tax Act read with Rule 29B of the IT Rules, any person respons...
The present tax laws of India provides for taxation of income under specified heads. Any income for which a specific head is specified has to be taxed under the head and cannot generally be taxed under any other head. However since law cannot provide for every eventually, disputes arise as to whether a particular income shall be taxable under one head or the other head like the cases of profits on dealing in shares, rentals received on letting out of various assets.
AO’s opinion that since TDS made u/s. 194-I, incomes are to be assessed under head ‘income from house property’ can not be accepted. Moreover, even if assessee has let out property but, when the Memorandum of Association permits the business of letting out of properties as such, the income cannot be brought to tax as ‘income from house property’
Delhi High Court held In the case of Raj Dulari Bhasin vs. CIT that merely because the Assessee approached the builder for constructing the flats on the portion apart from the already constructed portion, would not make the transaction an ‘adventure in the nature of trade’.
The facts of the case are that the Assessee, (who died during the pendency of this appeal and is substituted by her legal representatives) was a housewife, having no source of income other than the pension of her deceased husband. The Assessee was the owner of property No. F-23, Hauz Khas, New Delhi wherein she was residing since 1956.
The word income has a special significance in Income-tax machinery as the income-tax is a tax upon the ‘income’. Section 2 (24) of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961 [which corresponds to section 2 (6C) of the Income-tax Act, 1922] contains the inclusive definition of income.
The appellant-assessee is a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act. Its main objective, as stated in the Memorandum of Association, is to acquire the properties in the city of Madras (now Chennai) and to let out those properties.
There is a prevailing practice of a businessman taking loan of stock from another businessman and returning the same. Since he may have to pay for replacement at a higher price for return of loan of stock, can a provision made for the extra cost be deductible?
Some Important Case Laws From INCOME FROM SALARIES :- 1. Whether the amount received by the employee on cessation of employment with his Employer will be exempted from tax under section 17(3)(i) of the Income-tax Act?
This is our third video of FAST TRACK – QUICK REVISION of Return of Income. Aim of this video is revision of return of income in shortest possible time covering 90% of syllabus from examination point of view. However in class we devote almost 3 hours to return of income which we have tried to condensed in 12 minutes approx.
This Video covers the chapter Profits and Gains from Business or Profession. Aim of this video is revision of Profits and gains of business or profession (PGBP) in shortest possible time covering 90% of syllabus from examination point of view.