Income Tax : Navigate the changes in dividend taxation post-Finance Act 2020. Delve into the tax obligations for domestic companies, withholdin...
Income Tax : New form for application for registration of Charitable or Religious Trusts or Institutions In the Union Budget of 2020, Governmen...
Income Tax : Re-validation of existing Tax Exemption Certificate under new Section 12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e.f. April 1, 2021 The Centra...
Income Tax : Fresh application for existing Charitable / Religious Trusts, Institutions etc. under new Section 12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e...
Income Tax : DIRECT TAXES : VIVAD SE VISHWAS File Declaration Upto 31st Jan., 2021 Without Tax ! Vivad se Vishwas scheme was introduced with an...
Income Tax : Following is the list of Amendments which were proposed in Finance Bill 2020 after its Introduction in Lok Sabha on 01st February ...
Income Tax : The Budget Session, 2020 of Parliament which commenced on Friday, 31st January, 2020 has been adjourned sine die today i.e. Monday...
Income Tax : Pursuant to the enactment of the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 (VSVS) on 17.3.2020, the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Rules,...
Income Tax : The Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 - Request for three months extension without any extra charge of disputed tax, Interest ...
Income Tax : The 'Vivad se Vishwas' Scheme aims at dispute resolution in order to reduce pending litigation, generate revenue for the Governmen...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC lowered interest rate for tax periods from February, 2020 to July, 2020 for delayed filing of GSTR 3B vide Notification No. 0...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies 30th day of June, 2020 as date of applicability of section 134 of Finance Act, 2020 vide which In section 25 of the ...
Income Tax : It has now been clarified that where only notice for initiation of prosecution has been issued without prosecution being institute...
Income Tax : CORRIGENDA- THE FINANCE ACT, 2020- NO. 12 OF 2020- In the Finance Act, 2020 (12 of 2020) as published in the Gazatte of India, Ext...
Income Tax : An employee, having income other than the income under head profit and gains of business or profession and intending to opt for th...
In Budget 2020, Government has made various amendment either changes in existing TDS/TCS Rates or addendum new TDS/TCS Rates, A.Y 2021-22 TDS Rates Chart (Specific to Changes in Budget) Changes in Existing Rate Sr.No Nature of Payment Section Limit TDS Rate for Ind. and HUF Other than Ind. and HUF If […]
The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Union Budget, 2020 introduced new Income Tax regime. In New Income Tax regime, there is an option for individuals and HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) to pay taxes at lower rates. They have to select the Tax regime for the year in the beginning of the Financial Year (FY). Now, many are confused […]
PREAMBLE The Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 (DTVSV) received the assent of the Hon President of India on 17-3-2020. The CBDT had in Circular No 7/2020 dated 4-3-2020 clarified on 55 questions. The DTVSV Rules were announced on 18-3-2020 prescribing the forms and procedures and the website was developed and the portal was […]
Introduction The Finance Act, 2020 has made several amendments to the CGST Act, 2017 and corresponding amendments to the IGST Act, 2017 and UTGST Act, 2017. We have attempted to analyse the provision wise amendment made by the Finance Act, 2020 to the CGST Act, 2017. Article analyses Amendment CGST Act, 2017 in Section 2 […]
TCS- The New Move! (detailed analysis with the Budget 2020 and The Finance Act 2020 insertions/amendments) India is a land of diversity with population count of over 135 crores. To run such a colossal nation, government requires a lot of resources. Such resources are collected in form of tax payments that a person makes to […]
Government has come up with new scheme of tax for Individuals in the Budget 2020, which will be applicable from the Tax return of F.Y. 2020-21. Who can opt for the scheme? The Individuals and HUFs who does not have any Business income can opt for New Scheme. Points of difference between both schemes: 1. […]
While drastically changing the erstwhile provisions regarding taxability of Dividend Income, there remains an anomaly in relation to cascading effect scenario. The same is dealt hereunder: In the erstwhile provisions, to avoid cascading effect (i.e. multi-level taxation of same dividend income), the tax rate u/s 115O was calculated on the amount of dividend distributed as […]
Income Tax Audit Focusing on Recent Changes and Key Areas with Practical Examples This Article explains the Provisions of Income Tax Audit governed by Section 44AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 including the recent amendments in Budget 2020. Income Tax Audit Meaning: Tax Audit is an audit which is made compulsory by Income Tax Act, […]
Finance Bill 2020 has proposed significant amendments in direct tax provisions. I would like to highlight the changes which are applicable for Individual assessees. Read on. ♣ Dividend Distribution Tax Abolishment: Upto financial year 2019-2020, domestic company was required to pay dividend distribution tax u/s 115-O at the rate of 15% (effective rate 20.56%) on the […]
As per Budget 2020, TDS under section 194J at the rate of 10% is applicable on the professional Charges , royalty, remuneration or fees to director, fees for not carrying out any work , fees for not sharing any know how or patent or copyright and in case of Technical Charges, TDS is applicable at the rate of 2% under section 194J of the Income Tax Act , 1961.