Income Tax : Navigate the changes in dividend taxation post-Finance Act 2020. Delve into the tax obligations for domestic companies, withholdin...
Income Tax : New form for application for registration of Charitable or Religious Trusts or Institutions In the Union Budget of 2020, Governmen...
Income Tax : Re-validation of existing Tax Exemption Certificate under new Section 12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e.f. April 1, 2021 The Centra...
Income Tax : Fresh application for existing Charitable / Religious Trusts, Institutions etc. under new Section 12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e...
Income Tax : DIRECT TAXES : VIVAD SE VISHWAS File Declaration Upto 31st Jan., 2021 Without Tax ! Vivad se Vishwas scheme was introduced with an...
Income Tax : Following is the list of Amendments which were proposed in Finance Bill 2020 after its Introduction in Lok Sabha on 01st February ...
Income Tax : The Budget Session, 2020 of Parliament which commenced on Friday, 31st January, 2020 has been adjourned sine die today i.e. Monday...
Income Tax : Pursuant to the enactment of the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 (VSVS) on 17.3.2020, the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Rules,...
Income Tax : The Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 - Request for three months extension without any extra charge of disputed tax, Interest ...
Income Tax : The 'Vivad se Vishwas' Scheme aims at dispute resolution in order to reduce pending litigation, generate revenue for the Governmen...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC lowered interest rate for tax periods from February, 2020 to July, 2020 for delayed filing of GSTR 3B vide Notification No. 0...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies 30th day of June, 2020 as date of applicability of section 134 of Finance Act, 2020 vide which In section 25 of the ...
Income Tax : It has now been clarified that where only notice for initiation of prosecution has been issued without prosecution being institute...
Income Tax : CORRIGENDA- THE FINANCE ACT, 2020- NO. 12 OF 2020- In the Finance Act, 2020 (12 of 2020) as published in the Gazatte of India, Ext...
Income Tax : An employee, having income other than the income under head profit and gains of business or profession and intending to opt for th...
CBIC notifies 30th day of June, 2020 as date of applicability of section 134 of Finance Act, 2020 vide which In section 25 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, in sub-section (1), in the proviso, for the words ‘three years’, the words ‘five years’ was substituted. Notification No. 04/2020 –Integrated Tax Dated- […]
A guide to amended provisions of Residential Status of an Individual as per the Finance Act, 2020 Taxability of an individual visiting/residing in India or going outside India has always been a matter of concern for the revenue authorities. Individual who is earning income in India as well as earning in other country generally faces […]
Article explains guidelines for Mutually Agreed Procedure (MAP), Changes in Tax Residency Rules, Changes in equalization levy, Amendments w.r.t. Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT), Applicability of S 269 SU to B2B Businesses, Deferment for Approval/ Registration of Charitable Trusts & Exempt Institutions, Reduction in TDS/TCS Rates, TDS & TCS Rates Pre & Post 14th May 2020, […]
Finance Act 2020, has recently introduced new concessional personal tax regime, (New tax regime), by inserting Section 115BAC with effect from Financial year 2019-20.
The Union Budget 2020 has simplified taxation for taxpayers by proposing a brand new, “simplified” tax regime. The new tax regime lowers the tax rates for individual taxpayers. However, there’s a condition: they need to forego tax deductions and exemptions to avail the enticing lower rates. Several queries arises during making of choice of previous […]
Section 194C – TDS on Payment to Contractor post amendments by Finance Act 2020 The present article briefly covers the important provisions and recent changes relating to ‘TDS on Payment to Contractors’, which is covered under Section 194C of the Income Tax Act 1961. Section 194C – TDS on Payments to contractors. Any person responsible […]
Article explains Major Changes In Income Tax Law for Assessment Year (AY) 2020-21/ Financial Year (FY) 2019-20 and AY 2021-22/FY 2020-21 which includes changes in Tax Rates, TDS Rates, Depreciation Rates, Widening of Scope of Form 26AS, Changes in the provisions related to NRIs, Tax Treatment of Dividends Changed, Fresh Registration of Trust and Educational […]
Abolishment of Dividend Distribution Tax [Advantageous To Multinational Companies (MNCs)] This article is focused on one of the key amendments proposed in union budget 2020 i.e. abolishment of Dividend Distribution Tax. We have analysed here the impact of DDT abolishment on resident as well as overseas shareholders with the help of facts & findings. Presently […]
INSERTION OF NEW SECTION 194K FOR TDS ON DIVIDEND INCOME IN RESPECT OF UNITS OF MUTUAL FUNDS Background 1. Existing Tax Regime: How STT came into picture? a. When some taxpayers started evading tax on capital gains by not showing the details of gain on the sale of stocks b. The Finance Act, in 2004, […]
Note on Calculation of Interest on Delayed Payment of TDS/TCS AS per the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 Introduction 1. The Ordinance was promulgated by the Hon’ble President of India under the power conferred under Art. 123 of the Constitution of India. The main objective of this ordinance is to […]