Income Tax : In this article, we will discuss everything about the defective income tax returns. Meaning: Defective return is the return of inc...
CA, CS, CMA : In India, majority of business class population comes from middle class and what business they do is of no relevance here but how ...
Finance : We were discussing about Long term Debt Asset class under which we had discussed completely about the Other Cash category which fu...
Finance : I hope you have read the previous parts of this series, if not then click here to read. We were discussing about Long term Debt As...
Finance : Current article discusses about Zero Coupon Bonds, Junk Bonds and Tax Saving Bonds. A zero-coupon bond, also known as an 'accrual ...
In this article, we will discuss everything about the defective income tax returns. Meaning: Defective return is the return of income which is rejected by the Income Tax Department due to certain defects. After the defects being identified by the department, a notice under section 139(9) is issued to assessee. First of all, there is […]
In India, majority of business class population comes from middle class and what business they do is of no relevance here but how they do is of utmost relevance. We all know the concept of sole proprietorship and partnership firms and yes this “firm” is the way in which how majority people work. Did you […]
We were discussing about Long term Debt Asset class under which we had discussed completely about the Other Cash category which further includes Loans.
I hope you have read the previous parts of this series, if not then click here to read. We were discussing about Long term Debt Asset class under which we had discussed completely about the Securities which further includes Bonds. Don’t get confused. Let me remind you this hierarchy again. The parent is Long Term […]
Current article discusses about Zero Coupon Bonds, Junk Bonds and Tax Saving Bonds. A zero-coupon bond, also known as an ‘accrual bond,’ is a debt security that doesn’t pay interest (a coupon) but is traded at a deep discount, rendering profit at maturity when the bond is redeemed for its full face value.
Hello Readers, Hope you had read the 1st Part of Basics, if not, to click here read it. Basics of Stock Market – Part I Today, we will discuss about the types of Financial Instruments: As already mentioned in the previous part, the financial instruments are categorized into 2 parts: Debt based Instruments Equity based […]
What is Stock Market? The stock market refers to the collection of markets and exchanges where the issuing and trading of equities (stocks of publicly held companies), bonds and other sorts of securities takes place, either through formal exchanges or over-the-counter markets. Also known as the equity market, the stock market is one of the […]
International taxation in a simple language means the study of Taxation beyond the National Level. Though we all are very much aware about our Indian Taxation Laws but as time is demanding something more so, there is a need to study the taxation at another level.
The hot topic of these days is PNB scam. Everyone is sharing on social platforms that PNB is involved in the fraud of Rs. 11,500 crores approx. but everyone is not aware about the way it has happened.
As I was passing by some difficult phases of the life and at that times a wise decision is must needed thing otherwise distraction is a sure shot thing to emerge in minds, so I thought to find out the answer and share it with all of you.