Income Tax : An analysis of trust taxation under the Income Tax Act, including Finance Bill 2025 amendments, tax exemptions, anonymous donation...
CA, CS, CMA : This article explains the GST implications of rental income and provides an overview of the different types of income tax assessme...
Income Tax : Explore how AI transforms educational assessments through personalized learning, improved accuracy, and real-time feedback, addres...
Income Tax : Explore how Section 170 of Income Tax Act applies to post-amalgamation assessments, with key judicial decisions and implications f...
Income Tax : Understand the time limits for issuing income tax notices and completing assessments, including updates from the Finance Acts of 2...
Income Tax : Read KSCAA's representation to the Commissioner of Income Tax, addressing practical issues faced by taxpayers and suggesting solut...
Income Tax : In view of Indiscriminate notices by income Tax Department without allowing reasonable time it is requested to Finance Ministry an...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practicioners Association has made a Representation to FM for Extension of Time Limit for Assessment cases time bar...
Income Tax : While uploading Manual order for the A Y 2017-18 user is getting the following message: Manual Order cannot be uploaded for this P...
Income Tax : Tax collections increased from Rs 6.38 Lakh Crore in year 2013-14 to almost Rs 12 Lakh Crore this year 80% growth in tax base; n...
Income Tax : In a case of BVM Global Education Trust vs Assessment Unit, Madras High Court declares computation sheet and demand notice invalid...
Income Tax : Read about the Madras High Court's order for rectification of an income tax assessment order regarding addition on sale considerat...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court nullifies Income Tax assessment order for 2016-17 after petitioner couldn't attend video conferencing due to tec...
Income Tax : Read about the Madras High Court's decision in Rakesh Beniyal Vs ITO case, where the court dismissed a writ petition challenging a...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court rules that an income tax assessment order passed on an old PAN is appealable even if a new PAN is issued, provid...
Income Tax : Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Assessment Unit (AU), Verification Unit (VU), Technical Unit (TU) and Review Unit (RU) unde...
Income Tax : CBDT hereby specifies that all the assessment proceedings pending as on 31.03.2021 and the assessment proceedings initiated on or ...
Income Tax : Faceless Appeal Scheme has been implemented in ITBA and the allocation of cases to Faceless Appeal units is under progress. A numb...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Prescribed Authority under Section 133C with effect from 13th August, 2020 vide Notification No. 66/2020, Dated: Aug...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies 4195 Income-tax Authorities of Regional e-Assessment Centres to exercise the powers and functions of Assessing Offic...
Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2020 under Income Tax Act 1961. was notified by the Ministry of Finance on 25th. September 2020. To empower the income tax department in conducting faceless assessments till the disposal of faceless Appeals the Government is taking various initiatives/steps by changing the existing processes/procedures via a continuous series of notifications and office […]
It has been proposed under the IT Circular 3/2009 that if the return is electronically furnished under a digital signature, the tax-payer is not required to furnish the Form ITR-V with the Income-tax Department as a follow up to the electronic transmitting of data in the return. Similarly, any return which is digitally signed by the assessee and filed with an E-Return Intermediary (ERI), who, in turn, submits the return to the Income Tax Department under his digital signature, will also be deemed to have been filed under a digital signature of the assessee and no Form ITR-V is required to be submitted. In such cases, the date of electronic transmission of the data in the return shall be the date of furnishing the return.
As per the Income Tax Act 1961, an AOP/BOI is a Separate Assessee. When two or more than two persons or individuals join together to do some activity to produce income by their efforts in common without forming a Partnership firm or Private/Public Limited Company then we call it AOP/BOI.
Depreciation allowance for use at any time: Depreciation for assets ‘owned’ by assessee and ‘used’ by him in the business can be claimed and allowed if the asset is purchased and used or if it is kept ready for use at any time during the previous year. Therefore, if an asset is purchased and put […]
In any assessment/-re-assessment there are various practical aspects involved which should be dealt with very carefully to make sure that the law is properly followed and any shortcoming of the revenue in issuing notices, obtaining approvals etc. should be duly highlighted in the assessment/-re-assessment proceedings.
The definition of assessment has not been provided with the IT Act4, but a perusal of the term within the scope of the Act makes it obvious that it implies an investigation and ascertainment of the correctness of the returns and accounts filed by the Assessee. Essentially the assessment would evidently mean determination of the quantum of taxable turnover and also the quantum of taxable amount payable by the tax payer5. This assessment is made on the basis of returns and accounts furnished by an Assessee in support thereof but on an estimate made by the assessing authority which may, of course, be based inter alia on the accounts and documents furnished by the Assessee6.
Central Board of Direct Taxes: Structure and Procedure of Faceless Assessment under Income Tax Act, pursuant to the amendment of e-assessment Scheme, 2019 In a pioneering decision, the Central Government vide Notification no. 60/2020 and 61/2020 dated 13 August 2020 (Notifications 2020) introduced Faceless Assessment for the purposes of Scrutiny Assessment and Best Judgement Assessment […]
1. PARTNERSHIP; Definition of ‘Firm’ – Section 2(23)(i) of the Income tax Act, 1961; As per Section 2(23)(i) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, unless the context otherwise requires, the term ‘firm’ shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 (9 of 1932), and shall include a limited liability partnership […]
CBDT notifies Prescribed Authority under Section 133C with effect from 13th August, 2020 vide Notification No. 66/2020, Dated: August 13, 2020. Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes New Delhi Notification No. 66/2020, Dated: August 13, 2020 S.O. 2758(E). – In pursuance of the powers conferred by sub-sections […]
CBDT notifies 4195 Income-tax Authorities of Regional e-Assessment Centres to exercise the powers and functions of Assessing Officers concurrently, to facilitate the conduct of Faceless Assessment proceedings in respect of notified territorial areas vide Notification No. 65/2020, Dated: August 13, 2020. Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes […]