Income Tax : Understand the requirements, due dates, and penalties for filing the Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) under Section 285BA...
Income Tax : Understand TDS on immovable property transactions. Section 194-IA mandates TDS deduction at 1% for sale consideration exceeding Rs...
Income Tax : Annual Information Return (AIR) – meaning, provisions, Applicability & FAQs Annual Information Return (AIR) of ‘hi...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department nowadays selects almost all cases for scrutiny assessment under section 143(2) of Income Tax Act 1961 based ...
Income Tax : Downloading the utility 1. Go to e-filing portal at 2. Click on the Forms (other than ITR) ta...
Income Tax : Statement of Financial transactions (SFT) should be filed by all reporting persons covered under Rule 114E of Income-tax Rules, 19...
Company Law : As per Rule 114E of the Income Tax Rules 1962, for and from 2016-17, all companies have to be furnish SFT in respect of certain ...
Income Tax : Income-tax Rules amended to provide that bank shall obtain and link PAN or Form No. 60 (where PAN is not available) in all existin...
Income Tax : Cash transactions did not require aggregation and the reporting requirement under SFT for this purpose is on receipt of cash payme...
Income Tax : This Guidance Note is for providing guidance to the Financial Institutions, Regulators and officers of the Income Tax Department f...
Income Tax : The Kerala High Court rules in favor of Director of Income Tax in Sub Registrar vs Director of Income Tax, asserting that the bona...
Income Tax : Since AO had not carried out any exercise to rebut the contention of assessee that they have not received any sum higher than what...
Income Tax : Penalty under 271FA was unjustified as there was no requirement to file the AIR in absence of reportable transaction during the fi...
Income Tax : Sub Registrar Dhansura Vs DIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) Appellant is a Govt. servant and ld. AR stated that they have assigned job to submi...
Income Tax : It has categorically been explained by the assessee that it is not practically possible to give detailed party wise breakup of fee...
Income Tax : Cash deposits during the period 1st April, 2016 to 9th November, 2016 in respect of accounts that are reportable to be reported by...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department has received information about large value transactions relating to you under the Annual Information Ret...
Income Tax : Central Government with respect to registration of persons, due diligence and maintenance of information, and the Central Board of...
Income Tax : Financial institutions are in the process of carrying out the due diligence of financial accounts and obtaining self-certification...
Income Tax : Submission of Form 61B: Every reporting financial institution is required to submit the Statement of Reportable Account in Form 61...
Online Upload of e-TDS/TCS statement(s) and AIR functionality will be discontinued from May 1, 2016 at NSDL e-Gov end. The users who are desirous to file e-TDS/TCS statements/AIR are hereby requested to visit our TIN-FC agents. To know the nearest TIN-FC, please visit at the TIN website at For online upload of quarterly TDS/TCS […]
Submission of Form 61B: Every reporting financial institution is required to submit the Statement of Reportable Account in Form 61B or submit Nil statement. The prescribed schema for Form 61B and a utility to prepare XML file can be downloaded from thee-filing website home page under forms (other than ITR) tab. The designated director is required to login to the e-filing website with the ITDREIN, PAN (of the designated director) and password The form is required to be submitted using a Digital Signature Certificate of the designated director.
Foreign Account holders beware; the Income Tax department has started issuing notices to persons having foreign assets about the disclosures of such assets and income accruing from them in the Indian IT Return.
Taxes are an important source of revenue to any Government. The government devises mechanism aimed at detecting cases of revenue leakage. It has been witnessed over last few years that there is increased emphasis on making interaction with taxpayers and requiring them to submit various information/records through online or electronic mode. This assists in cross verification of information furnished by assessee before various departments.
For the upcoming reporting in March 2015 and May 2016, all reporting has to be done in INR. For the reporting in 2017, Form 61B and Schema will be suitably modified to include a field for capturing type of currency
We all are aware about the Scrutiny Proceedings in the case of ITR which is usually a trauma for each and every person. Now-a-days, CBDT has given instructions to select the cases for scrutiny on the basis of some specific transactions if entered in by any person. Regarding these transaction Income Tax Department (ITD) is collecting the data from different authorities or companies through Annual Information Return (AIR).
Requirement of PAN to be obtained from parties and responsibility of furnishing of correct PAN is also lies with Your company, so verify the PAN from available sources. Moreover details to be obtained under form 60 are required to be filled truly and correctly, further all the particulars of the same are required to be verified to the satisfaction of the concerned person accepting the same (principal officer).
For implementation of FATCA and CRS, necessary legislative changes have been made in the Income-tax Act, 1961 and Income-tax Rules, 1962. Rules 1 14F, 1 14G & 11411 and Form 61B have been inserted to provide legal basis for the Reporting Financial Institutions (RFIs) for maintaining and reporting information about the Reportable Accounts.
Although it’s quite common to receive notices from IT department, people do get scared when they get one. What one needs to know is it’s not as big deal as one believes it to be, and if handled tactfully, one can get rid of any further complications. Following are some common reasons why people recieve […]
According to the amended provisions of Section 285BA(1)(k)of the Income Tax Act, 1961, some prescribed reporting financial institutions need to furnish a statement of financial transaction or reportable account (previously called as ‘Annual Information Return (AIR)) in connection with some specified financial transactions done by them during the financial year to the income tax department.