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Advocate Amit Bajaj

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One Time Settlement Scheme under Punjab VAT Act & CST Act

Goods and Services Tax : With the advent of GST and dawn of old indirect tax regime in the form of  VAT, service tax and central excise etc, the State and...

January 25, 2021 14793 Views 4 comments Print

Capital gains under Income Tax Act 1961

Income Tax : Any Income derived from a Capital asset movable or immovable is taxable under the head Capital Gains under Income Tax Act 1961. Th...

October 9, 2020 497433 Views 144 comments Print

Stay of Disputed Income Tax Demands-Important Points

Income Tax : In scrutiny assessments it is sometimes seen that huge demands are created against the assessee by framing high pitched assessment...

September 24, 2020 49430 Views 2 comments Print

Scrutiny assessment under Income Tax Act, 1961

Income Tax : The Scrutiny Assessments under Income Tax Act 1961 are made u/s 143(3). For many years now many of the returns of the assesses are...

September 24, 2020 107800 Views 52 comments Print

Compulsory Maintenance of books of account under Income Tax

Income Tax : Maintenance of books of accounts by Professionals: Section 44AA of Income Tax Act and rule 6F of Income Tax rules deal with the pr...

September 23, 2020 506887 Views 29 comments Print

Latest News

WCT Rate in Punjab enhanced from 5% to 6%

Goods and Services Tax : Advocate Amit Bajaj Section 27 of the Punjab VAT Act, 2005 has been amended to enhance the rate of Works Contract Tax i.e   tax t...

April 10, 2013 14120 Views 5 comments Print

Some views on Penal Provisions u/s 29(8) of MVAT Act

Goods and Services Tax : It is well esteblished principle that the power to levy penality under taxation laws is incidental and ancillary to the power of c...

February 16, 2010 6333 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

Tribunal allows adjustment of pre-deposit u/s 62(5) of PVAT Act 2005

Goods and Services Tax : Sunyana Sales Corporation Vs State of Punjab (Punjab VAT Tribunal) The Hon’ble Punjab VAT Tribunal allows adjustment of pre-...

February 12, 2022 2283 Views 0 comment Print

No disallowance of ITC for mere technical defect in VAT invoice – HC

Goods and Services Tax : The Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in a crucial decision has held that input tax credit cannot be disallowed merely for a tec...

August 2, 2016 21677 Views 0 comment Print

No local VAT on goods purchased inter-state or in the course of import in works contracts-SC

Goods and Services Tax : The Hon’ble Supreme Court delivering very important judgment with regard to taxability of inter-state works contract. In the cas...

May 3, 2016 10441 Views 0 comment Print

Assessment time cannot be extended if it already becomes time barred: SC

Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court, in State of Punjab Vs. M/s. Shreyans Indus Ltd., has held that power of the Sales Tax Commissioner to extend the ti...

March 8, 2016 3889 Views 0 comment Print

State Govt did not have power to legislate Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules

Goods and Services Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court in the case of The Jalandhar Iron and Steel Merchants Association(Regd), Jalandhar vs State of Punjab...

May 20, 2015 823 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

e-way bill not required till 31.03.2018 for intra-state supplies of goods in Punjab

Goods and Services Tax : Punjab Government has notified under Rule 138(14)(d) of Punjab GST Rules, 2017 that e-way bill will not be required to be generate...

January 29, 2018 11736 Views 0 comment Print

Services by Excise and Taxation Department brought under Punjab Right to Service Act, 2011

Goods and Services Tax : The Government of Punjab has notified the additional services, stipulated time limit, designated officers, first appellate authori...

January 15, 2016 1682 Views 0 comment Print

Punjab VAT-Rate of tax on iron and steel enhanced to 3.5%

Goods and Services Tax : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 8 of the Punjab Value Added Tax Act, 2005, (Punj...

March 11, 2015 19949 Views 0 comment Print

Deployment of ATM machines for banks is not transfer of right to use goods

Goods and Services Tax : The penalty in this case has been levied and further upheld by the lower appellate authority on the ground that providing ATM mach...

November 15, 2013 3867 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT’s circular No 739 dated 25-03-1996 on section 40(b)(v) is invalid- HP High Court

April 12, 2011 6169 Views 0 comment Print

Himachal Pardesh High court in an important recent Judgment namely M/s Durga Dass Devki Nandan.V Income-tax Officer, Palampur decided on 11-03-2011 has held the circular No 739 dated 25-03-1996 of CBDT as invalid. The said circular is on the issue of availability of deduction to a partnership firm in relation to remuneration available to partners of a firm u/s 40(b)(v) of Income Tax Act 1961. The said circular stated that the deduction u/s 40(b)(v) will be available only if the remuneration to partners is authorized by the partnership deed by way of specification of amount of remuneration therein or by way of quantification of remuneration.

Remand of penalty orders in appeal whether justified?

April 9, 2011 4654 Views 1 comment Print

in a recent case namely Snoline/Snowline Air Conditioner Vs State of Punjab decided on 17-12-2010 by PVAT Tribunal(2011) 16 STM 332 where the penalty was imposed u/s 14-B(6)(i) of Punjab General Sales Tax Act 1948 and the case was remanded for denovo orders to the designated officer on the ground that “As per records, the goods were detained on 07-05-2003 and the penalizing officer imposed a penalty on 07.05.2003. It appears that no inquiry was made by penalizing officer before imposition of penalty. The case is remanded to the penalizing officer to afford proper opportunity of being heard to the appellant and pass de-novo orders.”

75 Percent of VAT Refund under PVAT Act to be allowed on furnishing of Indemnity bond

March 27, 2011 1326 Views 0 comment Print

Section 39 of Punjab VAT Act 2005 deals with refund of tax. Some welcome changes have been made in said section by adding a new sub section 1-A to the said section which provides for provisional allowing of 75% of amount of refund claimed under PVAT Act subject to furnishing of indemnity bond in prescribed format and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

Deductions from works contracts while payment of tax in composite scheme under Punjab VAT Act 2005

March 21, 2011 3118 Views 0 comment Print

Every person executing works contracts shall pay tax on the value of goods at the time of incorporation of such goods in the works executed at the rates applicable to the goods under this Act: Provided that where accounts are not maintained to determine the correct value of goods at the time of incorporation , such person shall pay tax at the rate of twelve and half per cent on the total consideration received or receivable, subject to such deductions , as may be prescribed

Extension of the Period of Limitation for assessment under Punjab VAT Act without notice justified?

March 17, 2011 3859 Views 0 comment Print

assessment under section 29(2) and 29(3) of PVAT Act 2005 can be made within three years from the last date of filing of annual statement (which is 20th November in case of taxable person and 20th August in case of Registered person) or the actual date of filing of annual statement whichever is later.

Due Date for submission of statutory forms under CST Act for year 2009-10 extended to 31st March 2011 in Punjab

March 11, 2011 2127 Views 0 comment Print

The Punjab Government has extended the due date for submission of all statutory forms under CST Act (C,E-I, E-II, F forms etc) from 20th November 2010 to 31st March 2011 by an official notification dated 16th February 2011. It is here to be noted that normally the Excise and Taxation Department, Punjab normally asks for to give all statutory forms under CST Act along with the annual statement to be filed on 20th November every year under the PVAT Act 2005.

Section 54EC Relief available Even If Cheque Cleared after 6 Month Limit

March 5, 2011 5184 Views 0 comment Print

Mumbai ITAT has held in an important case namely Kumarpal Amrutlal Doshi vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) that relief u/s 54EC shall be available even if the bonds are issued after the requisite period of 6 months for investment, if the cheque is issued within the period of 6 months but cheque is encashed after the requisite period and bonds are also issued after the requisite period of 6 months.

Budget 2011-12 – Ceiling rate on Declared goods u/s 15 of CST Act proposed to increase to 5 Percent

March 2, 2011 10927 Views 0 comment Print

It has been proposed in the Budget 2011-12 to increase the ceiling of 4% on declared goods under section 15 of CST Act to 5%. Currently State Governments cannot levy VAT more than 4% on declared goods. Declared goods are those goods which are of special importance and have been defined u/s 14 of CST Act 1956. This increase has been made in view of recent increase in the VAT slab rate of 4% to 5% by many states.

Some Important changes in Income Tax after Budget 2011-12

February 28, 2011 4957 Views 0 comment Print

Rates of Income Tax : in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or every association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act

Tax Proposals in the Budget of year 2011-12

February 28, 2011 1112 Views 0 comment Print

Direct Taxes – Exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpayers enhanced from 1,60,000 to Rs. 1,80,000 giving uniform tax relief of Rs. 2,000. Exemption limit enhanced for Senior Citizen to Rs 250000 and qualifying age reduced for senior citizens from 65 to 60 Years.

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