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Advocate Amit Bajaj

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One Time Settlement Scheme under Punjab VAT Act & CST Act

Goods and Services Tax : With the advent of GST and dawn of old indirect tax regime in the form of  VAT, service tax and central excise etc, the State and...

January 25, 2021 14793 Views 4 comments Print

Capital gains under Income Tax Act 1961

Income Tax : Any Income derived from a Capital asset movable or immovable is taxable under the head Capital Gains under Income Tax Act 1961. Th...

October 9, 2020 497430 Views 144 comments Print

Stay of Disputed Income Tax Demands-Important Points

Income Tax : In scrutiny assessments it is sometimes seen that huge demands are created against the assessee by framing high pitched assessment...

September 24, 2020 49430 Views 2 comments Print

Scrutiny assessment under Income Tax Act, 1961

Income Tax : The Scrutiny Assessments under Income Tax Act 1961 are made u/s 143(3). For many years now many of the returns of the assesses are...

September 24, 2020 107800 Views 52 comments Print

Compulsory Maintenance of books of account under Income Tax

Income Tax : Maintenance of books of accounts by Professionals: Section 44AA of Income Tax Act and rule 6F of Income Tax rules deal with the pr...

September 23, 2020 506884 Views 29 comments Print

Latest News

WCT Rate in Punjab enhanced from 5% to 6%

Goods and Services Tax : Advocate Amit Bajaj Section 27 of the Punjab VAT Act, 2005 has been amended to enhance the rate of Works Contract Tax i.e   tax t...

April 10, 2013 14120 Views 5 comments Print

Some views on Penal Provisions u/s 29(8) of MVAT Act

Goods and Services Tax : It is well esteblished principle that the power to levy penality under taxation laws is incidental and ancillary to the power of c...

February 16, 2010 6333 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

Tribunal allows adjustment of pre-deposit u/s 62(5) of PVAT Act 2005

Goods and Services Tax : Sunyana Sales Corporation Vs State of Punjab (Punjab VAT Tribunal) The Hon’ble Punjab VAT Tribunal allows adjustment of pre-...

February 12, 2022 2283 Views 0 comment Print

No disallowance of ITC for mere technical defect in VAT invoice – HC

Goods and Services Tax : The Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in a crucial decision has held that input tax credit cannot be disallowed merely for a tec...

August 2, 2016 21677 Views 0 comment Print

No local VAT on goods purchased inter-state or in the course of import in works contracts-SC

Goods and Services Tax : The Hon’ble Supreme Court delivering very important judgment with regard to taxability of inter-state works contract. In the cas...

May 3, 2016 10441 Views 0 comment Print

Assessment time cannot be extended if it already becomes time barred: SC

Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court, in State of Punjab Vs. M/s. Shreyans Indus Ltd., has held that power of the Sales Tax Commissioner to extend the ti...

March 8, 2016 3886 Views 0 comment Print

State Govt did not have power to legislate Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules

Goods and Services Tax : Punjab & Haryana High Court in the case of The Jalandhar Iron and Steel Merchants Association(Regd), Jalandhar vs State of Punjab...

May 20, 2015 823 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

e-way bill not required till 31.03.2018 for intra-state supplies of goods in Punjab

Goods and Services Tax : Punjab Government has notified under Rule 138(14)(d) of Punjab GST Rules, 2017 that e-way bill will not be required to be generate...

January 29, 2018 11736 Views 0 comment Print

Services by Excise and Taxation Department brought under Punjab Right to Service Act, 2011

Goods and Services Tax : The Government of Punjab has notified the additional services, stipulated time limit, designated officers, first appellate authori...

January 15, 2016 1682 Views 0 comment Print

Punjab VAT-Rate of tax on iron and steel enhanced to 3.5%

Goods and Services Tax : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 8 of the Punjab Value Added Tax Act, 2005, (Punj...

March 11, 2015 19949 Views 0 comment Print

Deployment of ATM machines for banks is not transfer of right to use goods

Goods and Services Tax : The penalty in this case has been levied and further upheld by the lower appellate authority on the ground that providing ATM mach...

November 15, 2013 3867 Views 0 comment Print

Facility of self E-updation of profile to all the dealers in Punjab is provided till 25th November, 2011

November 3, 2011 1273 Views 0 comment Print

Excise and Taxation Department in Punjab has given an opportunity to all the dealers in Punjab to update/validiate/amend the data relating to their profiles on the website of Department till 25th of November 2011. If any information relating to a dealer is not being updated then such dealer can update information by loging to the e-Updation/Validation of Dealer Profile with the same login credentials (i.e username and password) as are being used in Efiling of VAT Returns.

Works Contract Services under Service Tax

October 17, 2011 24016 Views 4 comments Print

Service tax under works contract services has been imposed on the service element involved in the works contracts. It should be noted that unlike VAT laws in various States service tax is applicable only on a fewer kinds of works contract as defined in section 65(105)(zzzza). Works contracts relating to Roads, Airports, railways, transport terminals, bridges, tunnels and dams are outside the purview of service tax.

Innocent purchaser cannot be disallowed Input Tax Credit (ITC) for non payment of tax by seller

October 7, 2011 17113 Views 0 comment Print

The Common issue involved in these writ petitions was with regard to denial of Input Tax Credit by the Assessing Authority on the ground that the dealers from whom the petitioners have purchased goods, have not deposited full tax in the State Treasury. The purchasers-petitioners have not been held entitled for deduction of Input Tax Credit in terms of the provisions of Section 8(3) of the Haryana Value Added Tax Act, 2003.

No penalty u/s 271B, If the audit report is obtained within the due date, but return is filed after the due date

September 29, 2011 37898 Views 0 comment Print

Penalty u/s 271B is imposed on two grounds i.e for not getting the books of accounts audited within due date and for not furnishing the audit report within due date of filling of return of income. Now as per above circular furnishing of audit report has been done away with after the introduction of annexure less forms. The only thing that is required is to obtain the audit report within due date and fill the relevant audit columns of the ITR, if it is done no penalty can be initiated u/s 271B.

Applicability of VAT or CST on inter-state works contracts

September 19, 2011 30489 Views 1 comment Print

Inter-state sale or purchase of goods made in pursuance of a per-existing works contract and executed in such works contract, shall be deemed as sale or purchase in the course of inter-state trade and there cannot be any local deemed sales in such case, hence the deduction of such sale or purchase should be allowed while calculating local deemed sales.

Now pay advance tax of VAT in Punjab ; Is it justified?

September 17, 2011 1718 Views 0 comment Print

Recently entry tax in Punjab was stayed by P&H High Court in Bhushan Steel case. In that case the State Govt contested the writ petition challenging constitutionality of Punjab Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act, 2000 by stating that entry tax under the said Act is being collected as an advance tax of VAT, however the High Court held that without there being any taxable event of sale or purchase of goods taking place within the territorial jurisdiction of the State, claim that Section 3-A of the Entry Tax Act is merely a machinery provision providing for collection of advance VAT tax is prima facie merit less.

VAT on BOT contracts-a view point

September 4, 2011 7084 Views 0 comment Print

The concept of Public-Private partnership in infrastructural development has given rise to the concepts of BOT contracts. BOT contract means Build-Operatre-Transfer, i.e the contractor is given a contract to build some infrastructure out of his own funds and thereafter he is given right to operate such infrastructure and recover his cost of funds and profits therefrom for a certain period and thereafter the infrastructure is transferred to the Government.

Declared goods except wheat and paddy still taxable @ 4.4% in Punjab after ordinance dt 17-08-2011- Section 8(1) and 62(5) of PVAT amended

August 31, 2011 1015 Views 0 comment Print

Punjab Government has promulgated an Ordinance dated 17-08-2011 vide Notification No. 33-Leg/2011 whereby proviso to section 8(1) and section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 have been amended. Proviso to Section 8(1) deals with rate of tax on declared goods whereas section 62(5) deals with pre-deposit of 25% before entertaining of any appeal under PVAT Act, 2005.

Powers of Inspection, Search & Seizure under Punjab VAT Act, 2005

August 15, 2011 2801 Views 0 comment Print

Power of inspection, search, and seizure can be easily found to be in every taxation law. The purpose of these powers is always to detect any tax evasion on the part of dealers but these powers are always ancillary to the power of collection of tax of the State and are provided only for the proper collection of tax. While exercising these powers one must keep in mind the objects of such powers.

Think twice before choosing Lump sum payment of tax in Works contracts under PVAT Act

July 13, 2011 1339 Views 0 comment Print

If you want to choose lump sum scheme for payment of tax in works contracts without maintaining any books of accounts under Punjab VAT Act, 2005, you should think twice before choosing it. Proviso to section 8(2-A) of Punjab VAT Act and Rule 15(6) of Punjab VAT Rules deals with the lump sum payment of tax under Punjab VAT in works contracts.

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