Mandatory and Non Mandatory Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI
CA, CS, CMA : Understand the key principles of AS 10 for Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE), including recognition, cost treatment, depreciati...
SEBI : Failure to comply with accounting standards may violate LODR regulations, affecting financial transparency, director accountabilit...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore illustrative accounting policies for non-company entities as per ICAI standards, covering preparation, revenue recognition...
Income Tax : A guide on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) and its reconciliation with Accounting Standards (AS) for taxable in...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn the accounting treatment for derecognition, retirement, and disposal of PPE under AS 10, including recognition, measurement,...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces new classification criteria for non-company entities' Accounting Standards, effective April 1, 2024. Learn about MS...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI amends AS 22 for non-company entities, introducing exceptions and disclosure requirements for deferred tax related to Pillar ...
CA, CS, CMA : Stay updated on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) amendments. Accounting Standards Board seeks your input on Lack of Exchangeab...
CA, CS, CMA : Clarification provides the level of authority of various documents issued by ICAI e.g. Accounting Standards, Auditing Standards, G...
CA, CS, CMA : The Accounting Standards Board issues an Exposure Draft of International Tax Reform—Pillar Two Model Rules, proposing Amendments...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) is the most appropriate method for determining the Arm’s Length Pri...
Income Tax : Aadarh Developers Vs ACIT (ITAT Rajkot) Admittedly, the assessee is a developer and not a works contractor. Therefore, the revenue...
Income Tax : Veolia India Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Delhi) Ground- Learned CIT(A) has erred in considering amounts aggregating to Rs.26,839,975 t...
Income Tax : The issue under consideration is whether the change in method of valuation of inventory is allowed if it is based on AS 2 as presc...
Income Tax : The fact that bills were not raised did not stop accrual of income under the mercantile system of accounting. Therefore, the clai...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs amends Companies (Ind AS) Rules, introducing new leaseback regulations. Effective from 9th Septe...
Company Law : MCA penalizes Sri Subhalakshmi Infra Pvt Ltd for improper related party disclosures in FY 2014-15 and 2016-17, imposing a total fi...
Company Law : National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) issues an order imposing a penalty on CA Gautam Guha of Rupees One Lakh (Rs. 1,00,00...
CA, CS, CMA : The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the manner in which Prior Period Adjustments including errors once identified shall...
Company Law : NFRA Circular on Non-Accrual of interest on borrowings by the companies in violation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) It ha...
These are challenging times in many respects. A global financial meltdown in which India cannot escape without hurt, a gruesome terrorist attack on 26/11 on the financial capital of India i.e., our dear Mumbai, politicians’ continuous play and ensuing election and what not. In the field of Accounting and Auditing also we are expected to start a new reporting procedure, namely, IFRS. It is stated to be applicable from 1st April 2011. However in reality, one will have to start looking at the accounts in accordance with IFRS requirements much earlier, say, from 1st of April 2009.
Accounting Standards (AS) 30 and 31 have been issued by our Institute and will come into effect from April 1, 2011 with early adoption being recommendatory. AS-30 deals with recognition and measurement of financial instruments (including derivatives). AS-31 deals with presentation aspects and, in particular, with distinction between liabilities and equity. This distinction can be complex where corporates issue instruments like convertible debentures and foreign currency convertible bonds, which carry features of both debt and equity. AS-32 deals with disclosures. Small and medium entities are exempted from these Standards.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued Exposure Draft of Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters: Proposed amendment to IFRS 1 so as to amend Appendix E of IFRS 1 to include transition provisions for first-time adopters consistent with the transition provisions in paragraph 44G of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.
India will stick to its earlier announced deadline for convergence with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by April 2011, a top Government official has said. “Let me make it very clear that India is a signatory to accept IFRS.By accept, I mean convergence to IFRS by April 2011 and not adoption.
The word “document” is used to refer to a written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information. “Documentation” refers to the act or an instance of the supplying of documents or supporting references or records.
This Exposure Draft on Financial Instruments: Amortised Cost and Impairment, has been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board with the objective to replace IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement with a new standard, to be known as IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. To achieve this, the Board divided its project to replace IAS 39 into three main phases.
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an electronic format for communication of business and financial data which is revolutionising business reporting around the world. XBRL is one of a family of “XML” languages which is becoming a standard means of communicating information between businesses and on the internet. XBRL provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis and communication of business information.
IFRS — issued by International Accounting Standards Board — is acknowledged by 113 countries. This is ICAI’s first list and more companies would be added on its next list, sources said. The first list comprises 439 companies. It includes BSE-Sensex companies, NSE-Nifty companies, companies that have raised debt of over $50 million abroad, financial sector companies, publicly accountable companies (with total borrowings of over Rs 1,000 crore), Indian subsidiaries of foreign companies that have implemented IFRS at the parent company and companies outside these categories with capital of over $50 million abroad.
An acute shortage of trained tax professionals coupled with a changing and complex tax landscape has led to a sharp rise in the pay packets of such experts with the average salary more than doubling in the past year alone, according to senior executives from tax and legal firms. While an entry level tax professional today commands not less than Rs 10 lakh per annum in some of the country’s top firms, the salary range for a middle-level professional is between Rs 25 lakh and Rs 35 lakh; while for a partner it ranges upward of Rs 75 lakh.
In the present case, it is not in dispute that the long term capital gain earned by the assessee is included in the net profit determined as per P&L account prepared as per Part II and Part III of Schedule VI to the Companies Act. In other words, it is not the case of die assessee that the capital gain earned by the assessee was not included in the net profit determined as per P&L account of the assessee prepared under the Companies Act.