CA Pritam Mahure
Please find attached 8th Edition of the pdf book on Service Tax (incorporating changes upto 14th January 2014) . The book contains:
– Amended legal provisions aongwith recent judicial precedences
– Forewords by Shri V K Garg (Ex-Joint Secretary, TRU)
– Amended Service Tax legal provisions, Notifications, Circulars etc.
– Applicable provisions of Constitution of India

1. About The Book
2. Negative List – In A Nutshell
3. Existing Indirect Tax System In India
4. Service Tax — Statutory Provisions
5. Applicable Central Excise Provisions
6. Service Tax Rules, 1994
7. Service Tax (Determination Of Value) Rules, 2006
8. Point Of Taxation Rules, 2011
9. Place Of Provision Of Services Rules, 2012
10. Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004
11. Service Tax VCES, 2013
12. Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Rules, 2013
13. Notifications
14. Circulars
15. Draft Circular
• Draft circular on staff benefits
• Draft circular on service tax on air transport
16. POTR Circulars
17. Instructions/ Orders
18. Budget 2013-14
19. Education Guide – CBEC
Download Free E-book Titled “Service Tax -Negative List Regime” by CA Pritam Mahure
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Dear Sir,
Please send me link for E-Book of service tax update till 14.01.2014.
dear PRITAM , really u have given a BIBLE on SERVICE TAX.well done. keep it up.
Unable to download. Can you mail me a copy!
Thanks for sharing such a valuable updated information.
Thank you sir.
right click on “Download Free E-book Titled “Service Tax -Negative List Regime” by CA Pritam Mahure”
and click on save target…so simple and very thanks to admin nice sharing
request you to forward me e-book on service tax
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where to download, there is no download option anywhere.
Thank you very much for sharing such valuable inputs that to free. Appreciating your efforts.
Warm Regards,
Pramod Thakar Pune
How to download. Please guide me or if you can, send me this e-book on my e-mail id “”.
with Thanks & Regards
Thanks for the handy and very useful e-book. A need of every service provider/receiver
Great help and great work, thanks.
Not able to dowload
will u please suggest me how to download this e book.
Dear please inform how to download th ebook.
Thanks sir
Thankx for your publishing of valuable book…
Dear Sir,
Thanks for such great and continuous efforts in updating and disseminating information on service tax at free of cost.
Wish you all the very best.
Vishnu Moorthy
please share for download link
thnx dear
Thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge.
will u please suggest me how to download this e book
not able to download
not able to download it, can u please send me this on my mentioned email id
Please send me any new posts about TAXATION
Unable to Download.. please update your link..
Thank You!
Thanks a ton sir for compiling such a helpful stuff in a beautiful and simple way…!!
Kudos to you and your team.
i am not able to download
can u please send the same to my mail
thank u sir
Surely a great book for service tax practioners. I also suggest that a service tax reference book in the form of digest may be formalated incorporating all centax published citations (STR) as well as citations of TIOL are cited. There is no proper book in the market till date.
I think u may kindly do the needful
Thanx a Lot.
Thank you CA.Pritam Mahure . Its a very usefull book for all. thanks a lot.
thanks a lot.
can you please advise, service tax is apply for warehouse charges (product : Copra cake – Agri product)
Pritam! I couldn’t find the section on Service Tax on Rent of Residential Property(Rented by an Individual purely for residential purposes)
SS Brar
great efforts, my congrats to you.
Thanks for putting your Great efforts …
it is very much useful to professional users
Really a useful 1, thanks a lot
Its very good 7 thanks a lot
Download link is not appearing
Thanks a lot
Thanks is a simple word and not enough to respond for this great book.
Very useful and helpful book for all.
Exceellent & apprciate good work
Thanks for a great book.
Thanks a lot.. very useful
Tax Guru is beyond any doubt very useful for small traders, businessmen and professionals. I am a regular reader of all Tax Guru mails which always contain up dated and useful information.