The Reserve Bank of India has been conducting Inflation Expectations Survey of Households (IESH) on a quarterly basis since September 2005. The 25th round of the Survey with July-September 2011 as the current reference period has been launched today. The Survey seeks qualitative responses from households on price changes (general prices as well as prices of specific product groups) in the next three months as well as in the next one year and quantitative responses on current, three-month ahead and one-year ahead inflation rates. The results of this Survey are being used by Reserve Bank as one of the important inputs to the monetary policy formulation.
Inflation expectations are subjective assessments of around 4000 households across 12 cities proposed to be covered in the Survey round and are based on households’ individual consumption baskets.
The agency M/s Beaumont Consultancy Services, Mumbai has been engaged to conduct this round of the Survey on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India. For this purpose, the households will be approached by the agency during the quarter. In case of any query/clarification, kindly contact at the following address:
The Director, Division of Household Surveys, Department of Statistics and Information Management, Reserve Bank of India, C-8, 6th Floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051; Phone: 022-26578408, 022-26578332, Fax: 022-26573611, 022-26571555; e-mail
Alpana Killawala
Chief General Manager
Press Release : 2011-2012/327