It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all on the web link of the Directorate of Vigilance. It has been inaugurated for public viewing in a function presided over by the Central Vigilance Commissioner on 28th October 2010 during ‘Vigilance Awareness Period’ being observed from 25.10.2010 to 01.11.2010 as a part of nation wide programme.
As an organisation, our mission is to evolve best practices in the area of Preventive vigilance so as to reduce cases of Punitive Vigilance to the minimum, if not to zero. Each supervisory level officer has to realise that apart from being a mandatory responsibility, preventive vigilance measures would enhance reputation and efficiency of the organisation to no end.
Directorate of Vigilance has, therefore, come forward with a plan which entails series of activities to sensitise, inform and educate the officials regarding functioning of the vigilance machinery and their role in area of Preventive Vigilance.
Launching of web link is one such measure in this direction. Contents of the web pages would be useful in gaining the insight and sharing the local experiences, which, in turn will go a long way in establishing and augmenting best practices in area of Preventive Vigilance.
Main Sections of Web pages include:
- Details of organizational set up
- Functions of Directorate of Vigilance
- Types of Complaints and Vigilance Angle
- Processing of Complaints and Flow Chart of Steps involved
- Important Instructions/ Circular of CVC/DOPT
- Suggestions to Field formation
- Suggestions received from Field formation
- Articles/Slogans/Pictures on anti corruption awareness
- Common mistakes/Errors
- Status of references received for vigilance clearance
I hope these contents would be found useful. Your feedback /suggestions for further improvement of the web link as well as in area of preventive vigilance are most welcome. You may mail your suggestions on
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the Central Vigilance Commission for their magnanimous inspiration, guidance and support for all the initiatives taken by this Directorate.
I will also fail in my duty if I don’t express my indebtedness and gratitude to the Chairman and Member (P&V), Central Board of Direct Taxes for their constant guidance and encouragement which gets us going on the path of new initiatives.
My thanks are also due to DGIT (System) for facilitating the activation of this link.
I also extend my special thanks to Shri Sushil Dixit , O.S. in the office of CCIT, Kanpur who has worked extremely hard and designed web pages for us.
The Vigilance Directorate hopes that the web link will be helpful in making the employees aware of the vigilance working and thus, dispel their apprehensions/ misinformation. We also hope that it will make them more conscious and vigilant against the malaise of corruption. If we achieve this goal, it will give us the greatest satisfaction of having been rewarded in our efforts.
Dr Sudha Sharma