Case Law Details
Case Name : Anuj Kumar Goswami Vs ITO (ITAT Agra)
Related Assessment Year : 2007-08
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Anuj Kumar Goswami Vs ITO (ITAT Agra)
It remains undisputed that the property was on rent with the purchaser for more than fifty years on a meager rent of Rs.45 per month. In such a circumstance, obviously, vacation thereof was not possible and the assessee sold it to the tenant. Then, the adverse position through the tenancy on a meager rent was itself and encumbrance on the property, as also considered in ‘CIT vs. Chandra Narain Chaudhri’, 1989 UPTC 791 (PB 98/1- 98/10). Under such an encumbrance, the property could not have attracted the same value as compared
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