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Notification No. : 58

Date of Issue  :  28/3/2003

Notification No. 58 of 2003, dt 28th March 2003

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government on the recommendations of the National Committee, hereby approves the institutions mentioned in column (2) of the Table below and specifies the eligible projects or schemes and the estimated cost thereof as mentioned in column (3) of the said Table and also specifies in column (4) of the said Table, the maximum amount of such cost which may be allowed as deduction under the said section 35AC, namely:

Sl    Name of the           Project or scheme and       Maximum amount
No.   Institution           estimated cost thereof      of cost to be
                                                        allowed as
                                                        deduction under
                                                        section 35AC
(1)         (2)                     (3)                     (4)
 1.  Pranab Kanya Sangha,   Expansion of existing       Rs. 42.78 lakhs for
     P.O. Haridayapur       orphanages by adding rooms  assessment years
     743204, District       kitchens, dining rooms,     2003-2004,2004-
     North 24 Parganas      staff quarters, vocational  2005 and 2005- and
     (West Bengal).         training centre, purchase   2005-2006 i.e. for
                            of van and running          three years
                            of the project.             only.
 2.  Indian Red Cross       Construction of extension   Rs. 600.00 lakhs
     Society, Nellore       building, purchase of       including a corpus 
     District Branch, Red   medical equipments,         fund of Rs. 250.00
     Cross Road, Near       furniture, running and      lakhs for assessment
     Vegetable  Market      maintenance of cancer       year 2004-2005 i.e.,
     Nellore.               detection/radiotherapy      for one year only.
 3.  Vyakti Vikas Kendra,   Tribal Welfare Project       Rs. 2.86 crores for
     India No. 19, 39th A                                assessment years
     Cross, 11th Main, IV                                2003-2004 and 2004-
     T Block, Jayanagar,                                 2005 ie. for two
     Bangalore 560 041.                                  years only.
 4.  Ganga Education        Health Awareness Generation  Rs. 42.19 lakhs for
     Society, C/o Ganga     Camps and Health Check up    assessment years
     Hospital, New          Scheme.                      2003-2004, 2004-
     Building, Rankala                                   2005 and 2005-2006
     Vesh, Kolhapur 416012.                              i.e. for three
                                                         years only.
 5.  Kalathur V Subramania  Construction of extension    Rs. 20.00 lakhs for
     Iyer Memorial Trust,   building and purchase of     assessment years  
     Industrial Training    equipments.                  2003-2004, 2004-
     Institute, 24, (New                                 2005 and 2005-2006
     No. 17), South Mada                                 i.e. for three
     Street, Srinagar                                    years only subject
     Colony, Saidapet,                                   to the condition
     Chennai-600 015                                     that fifty a per
                                                         cent of the bene-
                                                         ficiaries should be
                                                         from economically
                                                         weaker sections of
                                                         the society whose
                                                         annual income is
                                                         Rs. 18,000.00 or
 6.  Mahathma Gandhi       Construction of building      Rs. 300.00 lakhs
     Memorial Trust        patient wards, consultation   for as.yr 2003-
     25-9-26, Sree         ward, rooms etc. and pur-     2004, 2004-2005
     rampuram,Bhim-        chase of equipments for       and 2005-2006
     varam-534 202,        Rural Cancer Radiation        i.e., for three
     West Godavari         Centre.                       only.
     (Andhra Pradesh)
 7.  Seva Mandir, Old      Comprehensive Rural           Rs. 500.00 lakhs
     Fatehpura, Udaipur    Development project for       for including a
     313 004 (Rajasthan)   upliftment of the rural       corpus fund of Rs.
                           especially tribal.            200.00 lakhs for
                                                         assessment years
                                                         2003-2004, 2004-
                                                         2005 and 2005-
                                                         2006 i.e. for
                                                         three years only.
 8.   Swami Shri            Running of Welfare           Rs. 500.00 lakhs
      Prempuriji Ashram     programmes.                  (corpus fund) for
      Trust,Prempuri                                     assessment years
      Adhyatma Vidya                                     2003-2004, 2004
      Bhavan, Swami                                      2005 and 2005-2006
      Prempuriji Chowk,                                  i.e. for three
      Baburnath Road,                                    years only
      Mumbai-400 007.
 9.   Shree Pandit          Construction of school       Rs. 425.13 lakhs
      Ratnachandraji Jain   building, purchase of        for assessment yr.
      (SPRJ), Kanyashala    furniture, computers,        2003-2004 and
      Trust, Jag-Dhir Boda  equipments,                  2004-2005 i.e. for
      Vidhya Sankul,        airconditioners.             two years only
      Cama Lane,                                         subject to the
      Ghatkkopar (W),                                    condition that
      Mumbai-400 086                                     audited accounts
                                                         for 2001-2002 are
                                                         submitted by the
 10.  Sunrise               Purchase of office premises, Rs. 274.00 lakhs
      Charitable Trust,     furniture/fixtures and       for assessment yrs
      A/401, Ambica Co-op.  medical relief to            2003-2004, 2004-
      Housing Society Ltd., economically weaker          2005 and 2005-
      Ambica Complex,       sections of the society      i.e. for three yrs
      Kheda, Gujarat.                                    only.

2. This notification shall remain in force for a period of one year in relation to assessment years 2004-05 in respect of project or scheme mentioned at serial number 2 and for a period of two years in relation to assessment years 2003-04 and 2004-05 in respect of projects or schemes mentioned at serial numbers 3 and 9 and for a period of three years in relation to assessment years 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06 in respect of projects or schemes mentioned at serial numbers 1,4,5,6,7,8 and 10 of the said Table.


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