Notification No. 95/2005, Dated 23-3-2005
(E).- In Exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i ) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government on the recommendation of the National Committee, here by amends the Notification of Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) S.O.97(E) dated the 11th February, 1999, to the following effect, namely:-
In the said notification, in the Table, against serial number 2 relating to Tata Sponge Iron Limited, P.O. Joda, District, Keonjhar, Orissa, in column (4) relating to maximum amount of cost to be allowed as deduction under section 35AC for the letters, figures and word ” Rs.30.00 lakhs” the letters, figures and word “Rs.56.00 lakhs” shall be substituted.