Date of Communication: 31/12/2016
Dear Deductor,
Centralized Processing Cell (TDS) wishes you Seasons’ Greetings and a Very Happy New Year 2017!
The past year witnessed a fantastic journey for CPC (TDS) in many ways, with your valued partnership as our key stakeholders. While we observed all round healthy improvement in TDS Compliance through usage of TRACES, CPC (TDS) consistently implemented several enhancements throughout the year, to the functionalities at TRACES, valuing your feedbacks.
We feel very proud to inform you that the Information Security Management System and the Business & Enabler Services of CPC (TDS) were certified with ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards respectively during the year. These certifications bring testimony to existence of practices and procedures complying to best-of-class Global Standards, which we consistently endeavor to improve further.
The programme also received various accolades at Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management Awards, Computer Society of India e-Governance Awards and Project Management Institute India Awards.
To enhance capabilities to improve compliance, CPC(TDS) conducted workshops all across the country during the year, covering all 26 TDS Charges. It is expected that personal interactions would have benefitted you and you will ceaselessly partner with us to improve the following parameters:
- Timely Deposit of TDS (2016: 80%)
- Timely Filing of TDS Statements (2016: 92%)
- Timely Filing of TDS Statements (2016: 92%)
- Reporting of PANs in Deductee details and Reduce Invalid PANs
In the fourth year of our commissioning, it is now time to further enhance TDS Compliance and your active support will act as a catalyst in achieving our objectives. While we have together traversed a commendable journey so far, still there are miles to go towards achieving a “TDS Default-Free ecosystem”.
CPC (TDS) is committed to function collaboratively with you towards achieving our theme of “Next Level of TDS Compliance in Year 2017”.
Best Wishes for a New Year 2017!