Representatives of our Bar Association have had a meeting with the Hon’ble President of the Tribunal. On a representation made by us, the Hon’ble President has readily acceded to our request that during the month of May, a lenient view may be taken as regards requests for adjournments.
It has also been accepted that in cases where our Members make adjournment applications well in advance, ie before the Benches are constituted, they will (on their following up) be informed of the fate of their applications shortly thereafter. This would dispel any doubts in the minds of our Members as regards the adjournments.
Further, it has also been agreed that we bring covered appeals to the notice of the Tribunal so as to enable the early disposal of the same. Covered appeals would mean those covered by the decisions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Bombay High Court, Special Benches of the Tribunal and the Mumbai Benches of the Tribunal. Members are requested to kindly intimate these appeals to the Registry of the Tribunal alongwith copies of the relevant decisions, so as to have the appeals fixed for hearing at the earliest.
For ITAT Bar Association
Haresh P. Shah / Nitesh S. Joshi
Han. Secretaries