Government of India
Directorate of Income Tax (HRD)
Central Board of Direct Taxes
2nd Floor, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Gate-1, New Delhi-110003
F. No. HRD/AD/953/1/2019-20/8434
Date: 03.03.2020
With the approval of Competent Authority following Committee is formulated to look into the existing Transfer/Placement Guidelines for IRS officers. The Department has undergone comprehensive restructuring and with including of new assessment methodologies like NeAC and ReAC it has become imperative to revisit the existing placement guidelines.
Accordingly, a Committee is constituted as under:-
i) Ms. Smita Jhingran, CCIT, ReAC, Delhi
ii) Sh M Rathinasamy, Pr. CIT-3, Bangalore
iii) Sh. Manoj Joshi, ADG, DTRTI, Delhi
iv) Ms. Meeta Singh. ADG-1, HRD, Delhi
v) Dr. Munish Gupta, ADG(Hq)-4 (Vigilance), Delhi
vi) Sh. Rohit Sharma, Addl. DIT (Hq)(Admn). HRD, Delhi
vii) Sh. Ashish Chaurasia, DDIT (CMD)-2. HRD, Delhi as Member Secretary
The Committee is mandated to submit its report by 31.03 2020.
The Committee has been mandated to include inputs from different levels from the field and Service Associations.
Pr. CCsIT in All Regions are requested to constitute Small Committees for giving suggestions to the above mentioned Committee.
The Committee will formulate Placement Guidelines based on the inputs/suggestions/best practices and relying on DoP&T/ Government of India Guidelines issued from time to time.
(Meeta Singh)
Addl. Director General of Income Tax-1,
Copy to:
1. PPS to Chairman, CBDT.
2. Member (Admn), Member (Inv.) Member (A&J), Member (IT&R), Member (TPS&S) and Member (L), CBDT
3. All Pr. CCsIT(CCA) with request to constitute Regional Committee in their regions. These committees shall give inputs to the above constituted Committee.
4. All Members of the Committee.
5. Data Base Cell for uploading on
Addl. Director General of Income-1,