Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct taxes
Room No.I155, North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 16th December, 2014
Subject: Introduction of AADHAR Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) reg.
The undersign is directed to state that the Government has decided ro introduce Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) and has made employee’s registration mandatory. The system enables an employee with an Aadhar number to register his/her attendance (arrival/departure) in the office through Biometric authentication. The Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) is !he nodal authority to liaise with all the Central Ministries/ Departments to ensure effective implementation of the system. The objective of the scheme and the steps required to be taken for its implementation have been given in details in the Secretary, DeitY’s letter dated 4.08.2014 (Copy enclosed). To begin with the system was introduced in all Central Government Offices located in Delhi and pursuant thereof instructions were issued to Pr. CCIT(CCA) Delhi and all attached Directorates vide OM of even number dated 09.9.2014 and 15.10.2014 to appoint nodal officers in respect of the offices under their respective offices.
In this connection it is further stated that Department of Personnel &Training have since issued instructions for installation of AEBAS in all offices of the Central Government, including attached /subordinate offices all over India. The system will be installed in the offices located in Delhi/ New Delhi by 31″ December, 2014..In other places this may be installed by 26″‘ January, 2015. A copy of the DOPT’s OM No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.(A-III) dated 21.11.2014 issued in this regard is enclosed.
Accordingly all Pr.CCsIT (CCA) /lPr.DGsIT (CCA)/ CCsIT/DGsIT are required to take immediate necessary steps for installation of the Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System in the offices under their administrative control within the timeline prescribed in the DOPT’s OM stated above and a report forwarded to !his office for perusal of Chairperson CBDT by February 15, 2015.
This issues with the approval Chairperson, CBDT
(Anil Uniyal)
Dir (Hqrs) CBDT
Tel: 23093134
No:11013/9/2014- Estt (A-III)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance, & Pensions
Department of Personnel& Training
New Delhi, dated 21st November 2014
Sub: Introduction of AADHAR Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System
It has been decided to use an AADHAR enabled Bio-metric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all offices of the Central. Government, including attached/ sub-ordinate Offices, in India. The system will be Installed in the offices located in Delhi/New Delhi by 31 st December 2014. In other places this may be installed by 26 th January 2015.
2. The equipment Will be procured by the Ministries/Departments as per specifications of DeitY on DGS&D Rate Contract from authorized vendors. The expenditure will be met by the Ministries/ Departments concerned under their O.E. The manual system of .attendance may be phased out accordingly
3 . The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) will provide the technical guidance for installing the system. The equipment already procured by DeitY have a built In AMC of three years. The Ministries/Departments may ensure that the equipment being procured by them have similar provision
4. Biometric attendance system is only an enabling platform. There is no change in the instructions relating to office hours, late attendance etc. which will continue to apply. AI per extant instructions, (contained In DoPT O.M. No: 28034/8/75-Estt-A dated 04-07-1975; No:28034/10/75 Estt-A dated 27-08-1975; No: 28034/3/82 -Estt-A dated 05-03-1982) half-a-day’s Casual Leave should be debited for each day of late attendance, but late attendance upto an hour, on not more than two occasion in a month, and for justifiable reasons may be condoned by the competent authority. In addition to debiting Casual leave (or Earned Leave, when no CL is available). Disciplinary action may also be taken against government servants who are habitually late. Early leaving is also to be treated in the same manner as late coming.
5. These orders come into force with immediate effect
6. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring this to the notice of all concerned.
(J. A. Vaidyanathan)
Director (Establishment)
Tel: 23093179
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Department of Electronics & Information Technology (Deity)
Date: 04-08-2014
Dear Sir,
Subject: Biometric Attendance System-Preparatory steps to be taken by Departments
It has been decided to introduce Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) in the Central Government offices located at New Delhi, to begin with. This would include the attached/ subordinate offices in your Ministry/ Department based in Delhi. The Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) has been assigned the nodal responsibility to liaise with all the Central Ministries/ Departments and ensure its effective implementation, in a time-bound manner.
2. The proposed System would enable an employee, with an Aadhaar Number, to register his/her attendance {arrival/departure) in the office through biometric authentication. For the aforesaid purpose, necessary arrangements are being put in place by DeitY (through NIC), including the installation of the Authentication Tablets/ Desktop Authentication Devices in each of the offices of Central Ministries/ Departments. Further, a web-based application software system will enable online recording of attendance. The dash-board relating to real-time attendance and related statistics, can be viewed by everyone including the Controlling Officer concerned, with adequate safeguards ..
3. While the implementation of the system will require a number of steps, following preparatory steps are required to be taken by each Department:
(i) Nominate an officer not below the level of Joint Secretary in your Ministry/ Department-as a Nodal Officer, for coordination with NIC, UIDAI and other agencies, to ensure timely implementation of the proposed system. The name and contact details of the above Nodal Officer be immediately mailed to Ms. Shefali S. Dash, Dy Director General, NIC (email: Nodal Officers of NIC posted in each department will provide necessary technical support to the department and administrative support will be provided by the Nodal Officer in each Department.
(ii) Identify the officers/ officials, who have not enrolled for Aadhaar Number so far. UIDAI is being requested to organise Aadhaar enrolment camps at various locations in Central Government Offices so that the employees who do not have Aadhaar numbers can enroll themselves. The details in this regard (employee name and serial/mobile no.) be mailed to Shri Yashwant Kumar ADG, UIDAI {email: yas with cc to Ms. Shefali S. Dash, Dy. Director General, NIC email: UIDAI will then convey the locations of enrolf1!ent stations to all the departments. They are also being requested to generate the Aadhaar numbers within a week of enrolment date. The Nodal Officer of your Department may be required to arrange a suitable space in your office premises for organizing the aforesaid special enrolment camps.
(iii) Initially, each Department would be required to register itself with the Attendance System by. following the steps given· in Annexure-!. The representative of NIC posted in your Department would .assist the Nodal Officer of your Department in completing the required formalities
(iv) Consequent to registration as mentioned at sub-para (iii) above, every employee will need to register him/her in the attendance system. The process of registration is fairly simple and involves providing certain basic information. The nodal officers may ensure that the registration process is started immediately, by arranging special counters in adequate numbers. A brief note in regard to registration and attendance recording is attached as Annexure-11, which explains as to how to go about registration of employees. The nodal officers will also make arrangements for verification of registration done so as to ensure that (i) the data is correct and (ii) only authorized persons are able to register for attendance. To begin with (i) regular employees (ii) Consultants and (iii) contract employees may be included in the system. Later, this can be expanded to cover outsourced personnel and other categories also. The representative of NIC posted in your Department would assist the Nodal Officer in completing the required formalities.
4. Necessary _briefing about the system has been given to NIC representatives of all departments. Meetings, as and when required would be convened with the Nodal Officers in due course with a view to sensitize them about other operational arrangements, necessary for early implementation of the System.
5. I may add that the aforesaid attendance system has been in operation in the State of Jharkhand since 1st January 2014 and is being recently tried on Pilot Basis in the Department of Electronics & IT, Ministry of Communications & IT, New Delhi. You may like to visit the dashboard of the aforesaid system at and respectively for familiarization.
6. I request you to please take the above preparatory steps by 10th August, 2014 latest, keeping in view the urgency in the matter
Yours sincerely
(R S Sharma)
Steps for Organization On-Boarding on Biometric Attendance System (BAS)
1. Download the PDF form from the website (
2. The downloaded form should be filled up accordingly and signed by the head of the department
3. The physical form should now be scanned and saved in jpg format of file size less than 200 kb
4. After Step 1-4, the user has to visit the website and click- Create On boarding Request, on which a web form is loaded in the screen
5. The web form should be duly filled and the -scanned image file of the physical form should be uploaded along the web form
6. After successful creation of request a One Time Password (OTP) is sent to the Nodal Officer’s mobile, which he has to enter to verify the data being submitted by the user. In case the OTP verification fails the user registration is cancelled and a new request has to be submitted again
7. On submission of the web form the, the account creation request form is sent to the reviewer, who will review the data submitted by the user.
8. After the reviewer approves the form, the application will send out a welcome mail and the user website is also created.
Pre-requisites for Organization on boarding
(a) Nomination of nodal officer
(b) Contact details of nodal officer
(c) Department information
How To Use The Wall Mounted Bio-Metric Device
1. Marking of attendance on the device is based on the Aadhaar number allotted to an individual.
2. For marking attendance, first of all, register yourself on the attendance registration form available on internet at URL ( ).
3. Please touch the panel and fingerprint device very gently. The system recognizes even a very soft I light touch. Please do not put pressure on the touch panel or the finger print device
4. For marking attendance, just type your 06 digit ID number very lightly and then place your finger on the fingerprint reader, very softly. The moment your fingerprint appears on the screen, you can remove your finger. If the word “authenticate” appears on the screen, touch the word “authenticate” to approve. Once your attendance has been accepted, it gives an OK message. Touch the word “OK” to complete the process. If the number has not been typed correctly, select reset for typing the correct number and put your finger print again.
5. In case, the device. does not recognize one of your fingers, please try another finger. Though, this happens in a few cases, whenever it happens, one can try all the fingers, one by one, till one of the fingers is accepted.
6. Please note that any of the ten fingers can be used for marking attendance
How To Use The Desktop Bio-Metric Device
1. Marking of attendance on the device is based.on the Aadhaar number allotted to an individual.
2. For marking attendance, first of all, register yourself on the attendance registration form available on internet at URL ( .
3. Please double click DesktopAttendanceCiient.exe shortcut available on desktop in order the run the application.
4. For marking attendance, just type your 06 digit ID number and then place your finger on the fingerprint reader, very softly. The moment your fingerprint appears on the screen, you can remove your finger. If the word “authenticate” appears on the screen, touch the word “authenticate” to approve Once your attendance has been accepted, it gives an OK message. Touch the word “OK” to complete the process. If the number has not been typed correctly, select reset for typing the correct number and put your fingerprint again
5. In case, the device does not recognize one of your fingers, please try another finger. Though this happens in a few cases, whenever it happens, one can try all the fingers, one by one, till one of the fingers is accepted.
6. Please note that any of the ten fingers can be used for marking attendance.
We are the Manufacturer, Supplier and DGS&D RC Vendor.
We have implemented FORTUNA AEBHAS systems empanelled with DGS &D in no of central govt dept successfully.
This is way forward for good governance and the system does not infringe in any privacy of any individual.
Kindly provide me the details of suppliers of bio-metric attendance systems with aadhar card, as we are interested to in our work shop,having at staff members.
pl provdide above details
thanking you
Kindly provide me the details of suppliers of bio-metric attendance systems with aadhar card, as we are interested to in our work shop,having at lest 7500 staff members.
pl provdide above details
thanking you
biometric aadhar is a clear intrusion in privacy of any individual.
SC somewhere questioned Aadhar how come what CBDT talks about. any employee can use his discretion to reject that idea if he is forcefully discharged, he can move HC under Art 226 r/w Art 19(1) r/w Art 21.. surely honable would declare the circular void ab initio… no point in saying tax man wants to track one for some other reasons or even if revenue loses revenue let it lose, who cares! court would not care about your revenue if your methods are some kind of coercion that coercion is itself is Wednesbury unreasonableness and/or pricople of proportionality,