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Government Extends the due Date for E-Filing of Returns of Income Tax and Audit Reports U/S 44AB of Income Tax Act from 30th September, 2015 to 31st October 2015

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes


New Delhi, 1st October, 2015

Subject: Extension of date for filing of Income tax returns and tax audit reports to 31st October 2015 – regarding

The issue of extension of last date for e-filing returns of income and audit reports u/s 44AB due by 30th September, 2015 has been the subject matter of litigation in various High Courts across the country. While some High Courts have ruled in favour of the extension of due date, some others have ruled otherwise. In order to avoid discrimination between taxpayers residing in different jurisdictions and to be fair to all, and also in view of paucity of time to approach the Hon’ble Supreme Court by way of Special Leave Petition, the Government has decided that across the country, all the returns of income and audit reports u/s 44AB which were due for e-filing by 30th September, 2015, may now be filed by 31st October, 2015.

Necessary order u/s 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 has been issued by CBDT in this regard.

(Shefali Shah)
Pr. Commissioner of Income Tax (OSD)
Official Spokesperson, CBDT


Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes

North Block, ITA.II Division New Delhi dated the 15t of October, 2015

Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961

In supersession of orders under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (`Act’) dated 30th, September, 2015 vide file of even number, the Central Board of Direct Taxes, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 1 19 of the Act, hereby orders that the returns of income and audit reports u/s 44A13 due for e-filing by 30th September, 2015 may be filed, across the country, by 31′ October, 2015.

(Rohit Garg)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


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  1. Vishnu says:

    It is understood that date for filing Income tax Return and Audit report for 44AB audit cases has been extended to 31st October 2015. But is there any change in “due date” for Self Assessment Tax also? I believe only date for filing ITR and TAR has been extended and last date for paying tax is still 30th September. Reply from experts appreciated.

  2. Sai says:

    Dear Sirs,
    The team of Tax guru team , we are very very thankful to you for your continuous feedback and updates in this regard.

    thanks a lot once again.

  3. ca jay says:

    its the time when the whole CA community should think about their representatives in councils! is we require the show pieces. there or the genuine once like the admin of this site n the petitioners CAs who worked very hard to fight against the wrong doing of govt officers n the politicians! i request to CA Sandip bhai n others who fight for justice should contest for the councils.

  4. CA R G SOMANI says:

    Respected brother. There is no happy movements for us. The famous verb which is many a times pronouced by supreme court itself that Justice delayed is justice denied. So the issuance of notification after the due date is nothing but denying the justice

  5. Adv pankaj bgs says:

    Finally We are winner by the grace of various Honorable Courts judgement. CBDT gets chance to collect more tax regarding audited file.

  6. krishna says:

    Respected All,

    MANY Many thanks to one and all who take part in this subject . KSCAA (KARNATAKA ), Vishal Garg & Others Hariyana & punjab , Jagdish Prasad Mittal from Orissa, All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants (gujarat),Nagaprasad – adovate & TP from Hyderabad , I specially thankful to taxguru management & CA Sandeep Kanoi ji for support the taxpayers. Once again this success bring more confidence on judiciary . I wish u all the best.

  7. CA Narendra Tilwankar says:

    Thanks to ICAI, all associations and also thanks to TaxGuru.Now from next year on 1st April if all forms not available ,then immediately PIL or petitions should be filed…

  8. GRA says:

    Thanks to Mr.CA Sandeep Kanoi for his unmatched contribution (there is no specific word available to show the gratitude towards his contribution at the time of crisis faced, red faced, having low self esteem of the practicing fellow members). Tax guru is the only portal the entire practicing CAs were looking for help/solace at the time of extreme disturbed mind with reference to their professional practice.
    The entire episode had taught the following lessons to all practicing members
    1) The attitude of CBDT/Govt. is going to be same whether UPA or NDA and it will remain same another 50 years or so.
    2) The helplessness of ICAI is very much apparent and thier in ability is totally exposed. when the practicing members all over India are being slaughtered by CBDT and GOI, ICAI is mere by stander not even a single word was uttered to stop the same.
    3) The media coverage print or electronic is almost nil or negligence.
    4) But for the great help of Hon’ble high courts all over India the practicing members would have been ruined along with their practice.
    5) The whole battle was left to few courageous Individual CAs and few trade associations and majority of the members are mere by standers.
    Lesson learned from the whole episode is that the practicing members should very much be associate themselves with various “Regional Tax Consultancy Associations” and also create a PAN India practicing members association to face future crisis keeping aloof of ourselves will not serve any purpose except crying at the last moment!

  9. Simranjit says:

    बेनकाब हुआ CBDT शर्मसार हुआ लोकतंत्र

    कल शाम तक चले नाटकीय घटनाक्रममें एक बात पूर्ण रूप से सामने आई है कि, CBDT एक अहंकारग्रस्त और अधिकारोंके नशे में चूर संस्था है, जो अपनी कमियोंको छिपाने के लिए न्याय की अवहेलना तक कर सकती है। करोडों करदाताओं तथा CA की तकलीफोंको अनदेखा-अनसुना कर के अपनी हेकडी साबित करना ही उसका लक्ष्य बन चुका है। ऐसी अनियंत्रित और मदमस्त संस्था की नकेल कसने में वित्त मंत्री और सरकार पूर्णत: विफल सिद्ध हुए हैं।
    आखिर ऐसी कौनसी मांगे थी जो अनुचित थीं – फार्म देर से आनेपर जो समय का नुकसान हुआ है उसकी पूर्ती ही तो मांग रहे थे सब । कौनसा पहाड टूट पडता अगर एखाद महिना देरी से रिटर्न मिल जाते ? अगर आपको राजस्व की चिंता थी तो महिनों महिने फार्म जारी करनेवाले अधिकारियों को लताड बाहर क्यों नहीं किया ? देश की करदाताओं के प्रति ऐसा संघर्षपूर्ण वातावरण बनाने की क्या आवश्यकता थी जैसे वे कोई आतंकी या अलगाववादी हों ? कई सवाल हैं जिनके उत्तर भविष्य CBDT से पूछेगा । न्यायव्यवस्था का अनादर तो इतनी बडी भूल है जिससे लोकतंत्र शर्मसार हुआ है। केवल कुछेक राज्योंमें तारीख बढाकर संघीय ढांचे को चोट पहुंचाई है । क्या इसके बाद केंद्र के कानूनोंपर हाईकोर्ट की टिप्पणियों को इस तरह भेदभाव से देखा जाएगा।
    हम चाहेंगे यह मामला जल्द ही सुप्रिम कोर्ट जाए और इस मनमाने बर्ताव के लिए, करदाता तथा CA के अपमान के लिए, संघीय गणतंत्र को ठेस पहुंचाने के लिए CBDT को कडी फटकार लगाई जाए । CBDT को अपनी अक्षम्य लापरवाही, अहंकारिता और अन्यायपूर्ण पक्षपात के लिए राष्ट्र से क्षमा मांगनी चाहिए ॥॥॥

    एक CA तथा राष्ट्र का अपमानित करदाता ।


    thanks to taxguru team for their excellent and thorough updates at the speed of light. thanks to all the CAs and the tax associations who fought for our rights. Now from today afternnon a stream of sms coming from our elected representatives of ICAI on the extension of due date, these people were silent all these crucial period now after the problem is solved, they take the credit by sending the sms. atleast in future these people should be more authoritative in guarding our rights. finally I salute the fellow common CA and tax audit professionals, who withstood the pressure and completed and carried on with their work inspite of the evergrowing drama for the past three days
    thanks a lot once again taxguru team


    Thanks a lot to taxguru.in you have provided a very good informational platform you all of us to get latest information abt tax audit date and minut to minut update for the same. also to express our views .

    a big salute to TAXGURU.

  12. RELIEVED . . .finally says:

    well . . . in the aftermath of all this ”come September ” fuss …its my humble duty to thank you Mr. SANDEEP sir and TEAM TAXGURU.IN …..when it was absolutely darkest show from all sides , it was just TAXGURU who stood like a LIGHT HOUSE and showed every …literally EVERY UPDATE in this turbid visibility scenario. what you people have done is actually beyond words of thanks .so plaese accept our salute to you sir !

  13. Vijay Haria says:

    CBDT’s approach towards CA community was very bad. It’s pity that professionals have to fight at this extent for addressing practical difficulty to meet dead line.Very bad approach of CBDT.

  14. sunilds says:

    It is like hide and seek game. Senseless people are sitting in CBDT and FM is a producer and director here. At the cost of tax payers money, these people enjoy and try to dominate the terms. It is shame on the part of FM to take decision at the last minute. If you do not have time to take decision in time, better vacate your seat.

    I appreciate the efforts of CA’s who had taken their cause and fought for justice.

  15. ca hitesh says:

    Only after the courts have cut the nose of CBDT and put it in their hand, the CBDT got the akkal to extend the date. The damage has been done. Lost all respect on CBDT.

  16. Rajesh says:

    SEE CBDT’s EGO as they mention They did not have time to go to Supreme court. Who’s money they are spending to involve in litigation ? Spend out of your pockets (take it from CBDT’s such careless officials) and then say to go to supreme courts. Worst case of governance. Full year they sleep and at last hours they issue one or another modifications in Forms etc. NAMO government must adopt a policy that after Budget (on 28th Feb) whatever amendments in Forms required, must be done by 31st March otherwise they should be made applicable from Next Year.

  17. CA Deepak Soni says:

    The last date for filing the return and tax audit report was 30 th September and admittedly except qualified and limited extension there was no extension and the Government had denied till last moment and now on the 1 st October there is extension. Is legally it possible that the which has expired can be extended ? The obvious and legal answer is no.It could have been done before 30 th Sept but never after that date . A dead man can not be revived.The extension appears to have been granted to extend the benefit to some privileged people who could not or may be did not submit the return of income on before due date .The highly arrogant and rigid approach by CBDT before 30 th September and liberal approach thereafter smacks of doubt and some hidden agenda.Will the chair person of CBDT come forward and clarify the matter or it shall ever remain an unsolved mystery.


    Thanks to taxguru team for updating the status and helping us by providing valuable information on our professional matters.
    Also thanks to CBDT for their response to our requests by extending the due date after expiry of the due date in reality.
    This shows how we have been treated by the Government. One side our FM says we have to play important role in Nation Building and other side they are not at all considering our problems and issues.
    Finally it is greater relief to us and clients who have not filed their returns.

  19. CA SADANAND KALE says:

    Dear Sir,
    Greetings ! Thanks for great update !
    The final solution for frequent extensions is to interchange the dates of returns which require 44 AB Audit and other normal return. Because Govt is receiving maximum revenue from Business organizations who are required to be audited by both ways there own taxes and TDS of others. Similarly the CA community can also concentrate on main audit work. The other assessees have got TDS credit so revenue will be generated in advance and there will be no hurdle for continuity and quality of audit work.
    Much discussions are required on this suggestion.

  20. BSKRAO says:

    CA Sandeep Kanoi Sab,

    Role of your esteemed blog “TAX GURU” was remarkable for the above achievement Sir. Therefore, We the Tax Professionals are grateful to your blog “TAX GURU” & appreciate your hard efforts to consolidate the each events and publishing the same in “TAX GURU”.

  21. Pankaj K Agarwal says:

    This is the good governence promised by Mr. Modi. His minister is busy with the BCCI and Bihar elections and the CBDT is a headless body with no proper idea and information about the functioning of its own departments.
    Now, every is tensed and after all the returns and reports have been filed with the CBDT they have extended the date. If this action was taken on yesterday itself after the decision of the extention on the 29th and not those notifications issued for certain jusrisdictional area of the High Courts then all this fuss would have been avoided and lot issues settled.
    But God knows why is this happening. Either the CBDT is not independent and in the absence of proper guidance from the Political leadership this type of things occur.
    As in the past the CBDT never acted in such a manner in matters which did not lead to loss of revenue but instead cause lot of undue hardship to the concerned persons.

  22. Ramesh rao k says:

    The CBDT should fix the due date for filing the Return other assessees to 30th June and for those assessees Books of accounts get audited under section 44AB to 31st August for the AY 2016-17 and forms to be released latest by May 15th .

  23. S.L.Goyal says:

    We are happy we did it by 30-9-15. No tension. We can devote our time and attention to other things. All returns are to be filed this month – VAT, TDS, Service Tax, Excise and Returns of various States where we are doing business.

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