Case Law Details
Case Name : M/s. Meha Medicure Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai)
Related Assessment Year : 2007-08
Courts :
All ITAT ITAT Mumbai
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It is undisputed fact that the appellant is an undertaking and is engaged in the manufacturing of article specified in Fourteenth schedule and in a specified category of states for which it is eligible for deduction u/s.80IC. Such an exemption has been allowed in the earlier years by the Assessing 0fficer himself i.e. for the Assessment Year 2005-06 and 2006-07. Sub-section 3 of section 80IC categorically provides that the deduction would be available for 100% of such profits and gains for 10 assessment years if the profits and gains have been derived from such
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I have been assessed. I have availed benefit u/s 80IC in AY 2007-08. The assessing officer has disallowed the deduction u/s 80c, 80D and 80G , and this has been upheld by the CIT appeal.
I donot find any such provisions in the aact.
Kindly advise.
Thanking You