Addition to Income cannot be made for mere Excess quantity under Essential Commodities Act, 1955: HC
Case Law Details
Case Name : The CIT Vs Bharat Bhushan, Proprietor of M/s Khubi Ram Johri Lal (Punjab & Haryana High Court)
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
All High Courts Punjab and Haryana HC
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Brief of the Case
Punjab & Haryana High Court held In the case of The CIT Vs Bharat Bhushan held that no addition is sustainable where the purchases had been accounted for in the regular books of accounts maintained, duly audited and there is nothing to show that the quantity had been purchased and sold outside the books. The fact that the assessee is maintain the sugar stock which is more than permissible as per department of Food & Civil Supplies under Section 7 of the Essenti
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