Office Order No. 148/2018 dated 09th 0ctober, 2018
F.No, A-22012/04/2018-Ad.11
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
North Block, New Delhi
Dated, the 9th of October, 2018
OFFICE. ORDER NO. 148/2018
With the approval of the competent authority. the following transfers and postings in the grades of Pr. Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs. GST and Central Excise are hereby ordered with immediate effect and until further order.
Download Full Text of Officer Order No. 148/2018 with list of Officers
All the officers mentioned above may be relived immediately and they must join at their new place of posting on or before 25.10.2018. under intimation to the Board. No representation whatsoever shall be entertained before they join at their new place of posting
3. The Principal Chief Commissioners/Principal Directors General/ Chief Commissioners/Directors General concerned shall send the compliance reports regarding relieving and joining of the above officers to the Board [with a copy endorsed to ADG(HRM-II), DGHRD] by 31.10.2018.
4. All the representations received till date regarding transfers/postings in the grades of Pr. Commissioner/ Commissioner of Customs, GST and Central Excise stand disposed of.
(S. A. Ansari)
Under Secretary to the Government of India