Office of the Commissioner of Profession Tax, Maharashtra State,
8th floor, Vikrikar Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai – 4000 10.
No. ACST(PT)/PT Information Form./13-14/Adm-20
Trade Circular No. 6T of 2013 Mumbai, Dated: 01/10/2013
Sub: – Uploading of information of PAN/TAN and other contact details for Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades callings and Employments Rules, 1975.
Ref: – Govt. Notification No. PFT 1012 /CR 60/Taxation-3/Mumbai Date 19/10/2012.
The Government of Maharashtra amended the Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Rules, 1975 (PT Rules) vide above referred notification making it mandatory for the new and all the existing Profession Tax Payers to communicate their income tax PAN or TAN or both, as the case may be, to the Department. It is proposed to collect the same. It is also proposed to update the information of latest addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail IDs, PTRC and PTEC numbers of all the profession tax payers.
(2) In order to collect the information as proposed above the Department has made available “Profession Tax Information form” on Website of the Department . All the PTRC and PTEC holders under the Profession Tax Act,1975 Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act,2005 and the Central Sales tax Act,1956 are requested to fill the requisite information and upload the “Profession Tax Information form” on the website of the Department. All other Employers and Professionals/persons who are in receipt of any notice for getting Registration/Enrollment under the Profession Tax Act are also requested to fill and upload the PT Information Form.
(3) The steps for uploading the PT Information Form are as under:
> Step 1: Log on to the Website
> Step 2: Download template of PT Information Form through the path Downioads>Forms>Electronic Forms>PT Information form
> Step 3: Fill up the form completely, validate it and upload the Rem file generated on the Website through the path e-services>PT-Info-Upioad.
> You may take a print of the filled form, If required.
(Step by step guidelines for uploading the form are also available on the Website)
(4) Information required in the PT Information Form:
i. Category of Person/Employer and Name of Proprietor/Karta in case of Individual/HUF.
ii. Date of birth/Incorporation and Business name of Person/Employer and PAN of business, proprietor, partner, director or Karta.
iii. Address with PIN code.
iv. Name and status of the contact person
v. Contact details with landline, mobile phone number and e mail ID
vi. Details of registrations held under MVAT, CST and the TAN and Service Tax No (if any).
vii. Old and new 12 digits PTRC/PTEC Numbers, if any, and reasons for not holding PTRC/PTEC.
(5) All old PTRC/PTEC numbers and their corresponding new 12 digit numbers are available in ‘KNOW YOUR TIN’ section on the website If the new PTRC/PTEC TIN corresponding to an old PTRC/PTEC is not found on the website then apply on line for new PT Registration/Enrollment. If any difficulty is encountered in uploading the PT Information form, the nearest Profession Tax Officer may be contacted. List of e-Helpdesk numbers is available on the Website of the Department.
(6) All the VAT/CST dealers, PTRC/PTEC holders are requested to fill up and upload the PT Information Form within one month. All Tax Practitioners, CAs, Advocates, and Accountants are requested to guide and help their clients to fill and upload the PT Information form and co-operate with the department in getting the updated information related to Profession Tax.
(7) This circular cannot be made use of for legal interpretation of provisions of law as it is clarificatory in nature. If any member of the trade has any doubt, the matter may be referred to this office for further clarification. You are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all the members of your association.
(Nitin Kareer )
Commissioner of Profession Tax,
Maharashtra State, Mumbai.