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Manufacturer will be entitled to credit of tax paid on inputs used by him in manufacture. A trader (dealer) will be entitled to get credit of tax on goods which he has purchased for re-sale.

No credit is available in case of inter-state purchases.

Credit will be available of tax paid on capital goods purchased within the State. Credit will be available only in respect of capital goods used in manufacture or processing. The credit will be spread over three financial years and not in first year itself. There will be a negative list of capital goods . Some States allow credit at one go while some allow over a period of 12 months and so on.

Credit will be available as soon as inputs are purchased. It is not necessary to wait till these are utilised or sold [para 2.3 of White Paper on State-Level VAT).

No credit of CST paid : Credit of Central Sales Tax (CST) paid on inputs and capital goods purchased from other States will not be available

Non-availability of input credit in certain cases :

Credit of tax paid on inputs will be denied in following situations – No credit if final product is exempt – Credit of tax paid on inputs is available only if tax is paid on final products. Thus, when final product is exempt from tax, credit will not be availed. If availed, it will have to be reversed on pro-rata basis.

If the final products are transferred to another State as stock transfer or branch transfer, input credit availed will have to be reversed on pro-rata basis, which is in excess of 4%. In other words, in case of goods sent on stock transfer/branch transfer out of State, 4% tax on inputs will become payable e.g. if tax paid on inputs is 12.5%, credit of 8.5% is available. If tax paid on inputs is 4%, no credit is available. Thus, the VAT as introduced is State VAT and not a national VAT.

In following cases, the dealer is not entitled to input credit –

(a) Inputs used in exempted final products

(b) Final product not sold but given as free sample

(c) Inputs lost/damaged/stolen before use. If credit was availed, it will have to be reversed.

Generally, in following cases, credit is not available –

(a) Purchase of automobiles (except in case of purchase of automobiles by automobile dealers for re-sale)

(b) fuel.

There are variations between provisions of various States.

Certain sales are ‘zero rated’ i.e. tax is not payable on final product in certain specified circumstances. In such cases, credit will be available on the inputs i.e. credit will not have to be reversed. Distinction between ‘zero rated sale’ and ‘exempt sale’ is that in case of ‘zero rated sale’, credit is available on tax paid on inputs, while in case of exempt goods, credit of tax paid on inputs is not available.

Export sales are zero rated, i.e. though sales tax is not payable on export sales, credit will be available of tax paid on inputs. In respect of sale to EOU/SEZ, there will be either exemption of input tax or tax paid will be refunded to them within three months.


Where Inputs Are Partly Used For Making Taxable Goods (Or Inter-State Sales) And Partly For Making Exempt Goods, The Tax Credit Shall Be Reduced Proportionately. To Illustrate, X Purchased Machinery For Rs. 10 Lakh And Paid A Tax Of Rs. 1,25,000 On It And Used It In The Manufacture Of Taxable As Well As Exempted Goods. At That Time, He Estimated That The Share Of Taxable Goods Made By The Machinery Would Be 80 Per Cent. In This Case, His Input Tax Credit Will Be Restricted Only To 80 Per Cent Of Rs. 125,000 Or Rs. 1,00,000.

There Is No Need For A `One To One Correlation Between Input Tax Credit And Output Tax. Quite A Number Of Small Businesses Are Under The Misconception That Input Tax Has To Be Adjusted Against Output Tax On A Bill To Bill Basis.

The Operation Of The Input Tax Mechanism Is Simple. The Dealer Will Be Eligible To Take Credit For The Eligible Input Tax In A Tax Period As Specified On The Entire Purchases. He Will Charge VAT At The Prescribed Rate As Is Done In The Present System For Levy Of Sales Tax. The VAT Or Output Tax Payable Is Compiled On A Monthly Basis As Is Done Now. The Dealer Can Adjust The Input Tax Eligible On The Entire Purchase In The Tax Period Against The Output Tax Payable Irrespective Of Whether The Entire Goods Purchased Are Sold Or Not. For Example, If The Input Tax Credit In A Particular Month Is Rs. 1,000 And The Output Tax Payable Is Rs. 500, The Excess Input Tax Of Rs. 500 Can Be Carried Forward To The Next Tax Period.

Assuming No Further Input Tax Credit In The Following Month And That The Output Tax Payable Is Rs. 700 The Dealer Will Pay Rs. 200 Along With The Monthly Return.

( SHUBHI GOEL – Shubhigoel1989@gmail.com)


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  1. yogesh gupta says:

    Our co. in Haryana purchased printing material from within Haryana and pay local vat and sell in interstate and charge CST. Can local vat of Haryana will get as input credit against CST?

  2. Pk says:

    May i know that VAT paid for advertisement expenses is available for VAT input credit for A Export merchant company in India? If yes then tell me where can I read this ?

  3. Gyati Gupta says:

    I hv been filing sales tax. Returns of my clients..I ws unaware and I did nt show the CST paid in up vat return…how can I rectify this ????

  4. SATISH SINGLA says:

    Sir, Our unit was exempted from payment of tax. We are manufacturer of cottan yarn and purchased raw material i.e Cottan from Local( Punjab). According to sec 19(5) of Pvat Act 2005, there was a provision to reverse itc in case goods so manufactured out of state and itc was ristricted to extent to the output tax under CST. My qiestion is :’ Whether we are liable to reverse ITC availed on cottan purchased within the state, as our unit was exempted from payment of tax.

  5. BRS VASAN says:

    Dear Sir

    We are suppliers of Petrol Dispensing units to Oil companies like Indian oil corporation. IF we supply the petrol dispensing unit locally is the oil company is entitled to take input credit of the tax paid by them against our supply. Please explain with the relevant notifications.

    Thanks in advance.



  6. CA Jayakumar.M.G says:

    Whether there is any restriction for availing CENVAT Credit on purchase under VAT.
    In our case , CTO issued notice demanding Tax on CENVAT Credit as in his opinion not included in Purchase in the Profit & Loss Account. to be more specific Toal Purchase as per Audited Profit & Loss A/c is Rs 225 Lakhs where as in Annual Return of VAT it Is Rs 250 Lakhs. the difference is Excise duty paid on purchase it accounted under CENVAT Credit and a detailed reconciliation statement was provided but not considered. According to CTO we are eligible for Input Tax credit under VAt only on Rs Rs 225 Laks, ie,excluding Excise duty.Kindly advice and suggest the accounting procedure commonly followed
    Thank you

  7. jai says:


    i want know the sales tax “we are doing third party export in this regard goods transported to exporter facteri …the person whom send the goods to us have to put invoice? …i asking we have prove to govt regarding goods send the exporter house for that what are formalites need

  8. Deepali lakdawala says:

    I have purchase precious metal in FY 2012-13 and shown as investment now i want to sell the same after showing as stock. And we have no turnover till date, I have not registered my company with Gujarat VAT, Now how can i get the tax credit

  9. Nawaz says:

    Dear Sir,

    We are a trading company in Karnataka. We purchased glass from a factory in Tamil Nadu for resale to our client in Karnataka. Unfortunately the glasses broke after receipt at our end during our custody. We had not lodged any complaint with any authorities at the time of breakage. We lost the order since we could not supply the material on time.

    In this case, since we had purchased the material against C-Form and we could not bill to our client; can we claim C-Form from KVAT to issue to our supplier?

    Please clarify, since we feel we are being misguided.

    Thank you in advance.

  10. s.ragavendran says:


    we are manufacturing rubber gasket and we sent a paper manufacturing company.

    they are insisting us vat charge only 5 %. but rubber gasket commodity only 5 % in tnvat commodity shedule. they are taking capital goods input in our product.

    Now we are charging 5 % 14.5 %

    kindly clarify the above matter



  11. bhawana Latwal says:

    dear all.

    Please confirm, can i bill Item 12.5%, item 5% in same invoice against C form billing or i should bill separately of item 12.5% and item 5% against c form billing.

  12. Murugan says:

    Dear Sir

    Our factory is located in TN. We are manufacturing and selling our product to the customer who are functioning in SEZ which is located out of TN. We are collecting form I also. In this cases whether we have to reverse the ITC. Please give us a reply.

  13. Dayal Singh says:

    Sir, I was setup a manufacturing unit in uttarakhand but due to some unavoidable circumstance we had closed our unit and sale out before commencement of commercial production. we had take VAT In put on purchase of Capital Goods within Uttarakhand state, now we have going to made sales tax assessment (2007-2008), but dept. not allowed ITC benefit during the year du to the reason you have not made commercial production. hence you will not entitle to take ITC benefit under sec 6(b)

  14. RAKESH KUMR says:

    Sir, I am dealing with trade of paints. A machine is required to me for paint complexion , I claim input credit on its purchase,while sale tax department has been denied to credit of input ,i claimed. Department’s view is that dealer is not manufacturer how can it be given the benefit of input credit while traders ‘s opinion is that without using this machine he is not be able to make sale in large scale .please show me a light how am i get ridden of this complicated matter .

  15. Harish says:

    If purchased item is sold in other state then items purchased from within state and outside state are allowd for input credit or not . And item are software goods ??? And what is the process for taking the Credit.plz explai the process !

  16. Sandip says:

    If The Person is not registered in 2011-12 under VAT and he purchases goods on which vat @ 12.5% charged but in 2013-14 he registered under vat & he wants to take Input Credit on goods purchased in 2011-12 so it is possible or not??????????

  17. prakash says:

    Manufacturing unit purchase of material on 5th March (it induced Excise and vat) this bill not accounted and realized the August 15th. This bill take the input vat and central excise?

  18. Satya says:


    A is a manufacturer. A purchase material Z inside a state. He has done value addition to the material Z and sold it outside the state.

    Can A avail ITC VAT on purchase of material Z.
    If yes then how and as per which act.
    If no then why.

    Please help.

  19. vishal says:

    we manufacture the tax exempted material finished goods but on the raw material we pay VAT .So how we can claim the VAT ITC from the sale tax

  20. B.Saravanan says:

    interestate sales made against Form “C” and the CST payable was adjusted against the available ITC… Subsequenty if the Purchaser is not producing the Form “C”, Will the ITC adjusted against the CST payable is valid or not….?? Whether we should pay the entire CST payable or the difference Tax alone to be paid….????

  21. NJ says:

    I need simple clarification. My company is in Delhi. I buy goods from Punjab by paying 2% CST. I then sell this goods to Agra UP by charging 2% CST. Is my tax adjustable.
    Suppose i bought Rs 100 mtrl + 2% CST = 102/-
    I sell this to customer in agra @ 110 + 2% CST = 112.20.
    My profit is Rs 110-100= 10/- or 110-102= 8/-?

  22. Anees Kader says:

    If purchased item is sold in other state then items purchased from within state and outside state are allowd for input credit or not . And item are Capital goods ??? And what is the process for taking the Credit.plz explai the process

  23. Anees says:

    If purchased item is sold in other state then items purchased from within state and outside state are allowd for input credit or not . And item are Capital goods ??? And what is the process for taking the Credit

  24. Hemant says:

    Akbar Khan/K P Krisshnan,
    In the said case 2 scenarios can be visualised. Let there be 3 parties A (say in state of Gujarat), B (say a state in Rajasthan) and C (also in state in Rajasthan).
    Scenario 1: if A despatches goods to B and B in turn sells the goods to C directly without B taking physical delivery, then CST would be applicable u/s 6(2) of CST Act. In this case B has to endorse LR in favour of C and C has to take physical possession of the goods. C will issue C form to B though in the same state, B will issue C form to A and A will issue E1 form to B. This would be treated as continuous interstate sale. In this case, say A raises an invoice for Rs. 100 + 2% CST which makes total invoice value as Rs. 102. B will raise invoice on C for Rs. 105. Difference of Rs. 3 9105-102) would constitute profit margin of B as he cannot once again charge CST on such sales.

    Scenario 2: Taking the same example as above, if B takes physical possession of the goods then CST sale would be complete at that (B) stage. In this case sale between B & C would be treated as local sale and VAT would be charged by B to C on which C would get credit. In this case the invoice would be for Rs. 102+applicable VAT. B will have to issue C form to A.

    Hope I have clarified your doubts.


  25. Akbar Khan says:

    If a purchaser had purchased goods from other state and instead of CST the supplier had charged VAT in the Invoice. WILL THE Buyer get the Input Vat Credit of the same.

  26. Vinod Aggarwal says:

    Whether the input tax paid on local purchases can be adjusted against tax liability on CST sales with or without C form?

  27. Hemant says:

    Mahesh Poddarji,
    Input credit is available only if goods are procured locally in the sate and sale is effected from the state either local or OMS. In your case since purchases are on OMS basis, no input tax credit (ITC) would be available even if OMS sale has taken place. The logic of giving credit is the revenue from purchase and sale should accrue to the same state where the transaction takes place.


  28. shivayogi says:

    dear all

    one of our manufacturer has purchased the goods and taking the input vat. after a period the goods was damaged to much and he sold as a scrap. whether the a.o. can reverse the input tax credit.

    thanking you,

    warm regards

  29. K K SARAWAGI says:

    Where goods have been purchased from out of a State after paying CST @ 2% and inter-State sale of same goods have been made at CST of 2%, no ITC shall be available. As mentioned in the article herein above, no ITC against CST purchase is available. ITC is available on payment of local VAT only. Where local purchased goods are used by a manufacturing company and some finished product is sold within the State and some stock transferred to other State, ITC shall be available in the ratio of local sale : inter-State sale.

  30. Renjith R Pillai says:

    Under Kerala Value Added Act, There can take input tax credit of Capital goods. ITC of Capital Goods which value is under Rs 5 lakhs can take on same month. and Above of Rs 25 lakhs, ITC can take as several Instalment fixed by the assessing authority.

  31. saurav says:

    What if I buy raw material from within the state(paying 5% input tax) and sale all the finished outside state(getting 1% cst as output tax). Are these adjustable?

  32. MAHESH PODDAR says:

    what about if one purchase goode from outsied the state i.e paying cst@2% and sell the same goods outside the state @cst2% than weather set off of input cst@% is available or not???

    pls any one can reply

  33. harish says:

    Under the Pb. VAT Act, 2005 ITC on capital goods is available @ 6.05% against 13.75% paid by the taxable person. What is the logic? Have u any idea?

  34. K P KRISSHNAN says:

    Non-availability of input credit in certain cases reversal of credit in excess of 3% under TNVAT Act.under Sec.19(4), whether free samples are allowed in VAT Act.

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