GSTR-2A Business to Business (B2B) Consolidated Percentage Wise Report Utility in Excel Format helps you in merging All GSTR2A Excel Sheet & Prepares the Percentage Wise Report.
Please note Form GSTR-2A is a system generated ‘draft’ Statement of Inward Supplies for a receiver taxpayer. It is auto-populated from the Form GSTR-1/5, Form GSTR-6 (ISD), Form GSTR-7 (TDS), and Form GSTR-8 (TCS), filed/ submitted/ uploaded by the supplier taxpayer, from whom goods and/or services have been procured or received by the receiver taxpayer, in a given tax period.
It is created for a recipient when the Form GSTR-1/5, 6, 7 (Tax Deductor) & 8 (Tax Collector) is filed submitted/ uploaded by the supplier taxpayer. The details become available to the recipient for view and the details are updated incrementally as and when supplier taxpayer upload or change details in their respective Form GSTR, for the given tax period. Form GSTR-2A of a tax period is available for view only.
Disclaimer: By the use of the this Utility, you agree that Author / TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof.