Press Release
GST Council 10.12.2019
Modification in constitution of GM on IGST
New Delhi: With reference to some news being circulated in a section of social and other media about the change in the constitution of GOM on IGST, it is hereby clarified that subsequent to Union Finance Minister’s meeting on 4th Dec 2019 with the Finance Ministers of Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Deputy Chief Ministers of Delhi and Puducherry and their request in the aforesaid meeting, a Group of Ministers (GoM) was constituted for discussing issues relating to IT.
Inadvertently, Union Finance Minister was mentioned as Chairperson of the GOM. As the Union Finance Minister is also the Chairperson of the GST Council, she could not have headed the GoM since the report of the GoM is required to be submitted to her being the Chairperson of the GST Council. In view of this, a modification was made to the constitution of the GoM where Shri Sushil Modi, Deputy CM, Bihar was made Convener of the GoM.
The GOM will deliberate on IGST issues and submits its recommendations to the Union Finance Minister in her capacity of being the Chairperson of GST Council. This explains the reasons for change in the constitution of GOM.