Format of No Objection Or Consent Letter For GST Registration
Affidavit of Mr/Mrs./Km.……………………… (Having Pan Number………………) S/o or D/o or W/o………………., R/o ……………………………… do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as:-
That I am the Owner of the Premises situated at…………………………………………………………………..(hereinafter referred to as “the said premises”)
That I have given the above property to my Son/Daughter/Husband……………………….. (Having Pan Number……………) for operating and conducting their business named as…………………………………….from “the said premises”.
That I have no objection for my Son/Daughter/Husband……………………………………….. to uses above property for business.
I Solemnly affirm and state on oath that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief nothing has been concealed thereof.
Verified At………..on this day……………..
Disclaimer: – This Information is my personal observations and interpretation which are observe in various matter. The Author and publisher are not having any responsibility for any liability arises in connection with use of this information.
can’t download it.
What shall happen to the registration of the company once the consent letter is withdrawn from the owner of the premises who has previously given consent to the business enterprise to use the premises for conducting business activities?
Notice for Seeking Additional Information / Clarification / Documents relating to
Application for Amendment
This is with reference to your Amendment application filed vide ARN AA1912220459635 Dated – 30/12/2022 The Department
has examined your application and is not satisfied with it for the following reasons:
1 Principal Place of Business – Nature of Possession-Others (Please specify) – Ownership of POB is in the
name of a partner, not in the name of the farm. You are requested to mention actual nature of possession
and upload a consent / rent agreement in support.
It seems that you have not uploaded the correct documents for No objections certificate. Details need for further discussion. You may contact at or 7017430477
while registering for GST, officer asked(objection raised) for Marriage certificate, proprietor(wife) is already aged 50yrs, not having certificate. what to do in this case.
Hi Friends, if i have two businesses namely abc ltd and xyz firm. and i taken one additional place of business premises on lease from the land owner and the lease agreement on the name of abc ltd and it was clearly mentioned in lease agreement subletting not allowed. but i’m running both the businesses on same place. and i want to add additional place of business for both the businesses and abc ltd approved but xyz firm was got rejected. please suggest your anwers.
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