Circular Ref. No. DGBA.CDD.H-10566/15.15.001/2008-09 Dated 5-6-2009
As you are aware, investors under Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS) are eligible to file Form 15-G and 15-H to claim exemption from TDS on the interest payable on the deposits under the said scheme.
2. Central Board of Direct Taxes have now clarified, vide their Office Memorandum F.No.275/36/2009-IT(B) dated May 14, 2009, that nominee of the investors of SCSS can also produce 15-G form (declaration of non-deduction of tax from the amount of interest payable) at the time of payment after the death of the depositor.
3. The contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of the designated branches of your bank for information and compliance.
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