Mohan Thulasingam
Truth is an easy-to-practice concept of our life. However, many people dislike it for the simple reason it often brings displeasure and wrath of others. The story of Indian King Harichandra highlighted the power of speaking truth. Even when he was provoked to tell lies once so that his dead and beloved wife could come alive, he refused to budge. Nevertheless, he earned appreciation for the steadfast principle to be rewarded with the return of consort.
Any untrue statement is a bluff. A person can lie with or without the fear that he will be caught later. A good liar comes up with a make-believe story. One staff reported leave for the office, citing the death of her uncle, though no such person ever existed. For any good cause like protecting an honest person or helping a hard worker, this pretension is permissible. Most of the poetry, fictions, and fables are the concoctions of the three ingredients; bluff, imagination, and facts. Deceit and dishonesty are the relatives to the bluff.
Actually, bluffing requires mincing of words and good memory of what one utters. It also needs application of mind to plan and remember many things: otherwise, the liar runs the risks of being trapped. Lying is a taboo in the society. However, under the following circumstances, it becomes a way of life.
1. Save a life from cruelty. When a person seeks protection from another that chases to kill him, one can boldly say ‘ Nobody came here.’
2. Abstain from the work. an office-goer uses this trick when the employer is likely to decline the leave.
3. Remain absent from a place, meeting, or party. Otherwise, the host feels insulted if the correct excuse is given.
4. To capture the culprit, any investigating agency or police makes false charges to force the accused to tell the truth.
5. Force obedience. An adamant child eats the food when his mom pretends to call the hidden and non-existent ghost.
6. To prove a point in the court, a clever attorney presents false witness to bring out the truth from the opponent facing the trial.
7. To win a war, false information is liberally and deliberately propagated to persuade the enemy to make mistakes.
8. Make a person happy. The husband, absorbed in a book, remarked about the new dress of the wife as “This attire suits you perfectly.” The runner-up for the best actor award said, “Glad, it went to the most deserving person.”
In the above cases, the lies are taken for granted and not subject to any cross-checking and verification. Such bluffs are deemed to be true. Nevertheless, they lose their value upon repetition and overuse.
(Author is a Ex-Banker and can be contacted on
Nice and true, many times few of the above experienced. ..small point is It was not his wife…i remember is is his Son…Regards