Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Office of the Additional Director General of Foreign Trade
26, Haddows Road, 4th & 5th Floor, Shastri Bhavan Annexe,
Chennai – 600006
Trade Notice 2/2016
Dated: 4.4.2016
Subject : Weekly Open House in terms of DGFT Trade Notice 22/2015 dt 31-3-2016
In terms of the DGFT Headquarters Trade Notice No. 22/2015 dt 31-3-2016, the weekly Open House in the Office of the Addl DGFT, Chennai/RLA Chennai will be held every Wednesday between 2.30 p.m to 3.30 p.m in the conference Hall, 4th floor Shastri Bhavan Annexe, Hoddown Road, Chennai – 600 006.
Applicants, who wish to participate in the Open House meetings may send complete details of the pending issues /applications along with the names of the participants and their designation/position in the applicant firm, to the following email address latest by Tuesday evening, so that the issues can be taken up in the Open House to be held the following Wednesday.
Contact Email ID : with CC to
Members of the trade are requested to give their co-operation for the smooth functioning of the weekly Open House Meeting.
(J.V. Patil)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Copy to:
Smt. S. Thangam –to co-ordinate the weekly Open House Meeting
All officers
Notice Board/ Website
(Issued from file No. Misc/169/2016/admin/chen)