Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
New Delhi
Public Notice No. 56/2015-2020, Dated: February 6, 2017
Subject: Addition of new sub para 5.03(c)(i) and (ii) and amendment in sub para 5.10(d)(ii) of Handbook of Procedures 2015-20.
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade makes the following amendments in para 5.03 and sub para 5.10(d)(ii) of the Handbook of Procedures. 2015-20 with immediate effect. (changes made are in bold letters)
2. New sub para 5.03(c) is being added after sub para 5.03(b) as under:
“5.03(c)(i) An application for amendment in the list of import item(s) including addition(s)/deletion(s), if any, may be filed with RA concerned provided the authorisation is valid for import. The applicant would give justification for seeking such amendment(s) along with fresh nexus certificate from an independent Chartered Engineer.
(ii) An application for amendment in the list of export item(s) including addition(s)/deletion(s) if any, may be filed with RA concerned provided the Export Obligation period of the authorisation is valid and the CG has nexus with original export product. The applicant would give justification for seeking such amendment(s) along with fresh nexus certificate from an independent Chartered Engineer.”
3. The amended sub para 5.10(d)(ii) shall read as under:
Para 5.10(d)(ii): Proof of having despatched the goods from authorization holder’s factory/ premises to the ultimate exporter/port of export viz. (a) ARE-1 Certificate issued by Central Excise with due authentication by the Customs verifying the exports along with the shipping bill number, date and EPCG authorization number or (b) Invoice duly incorporating the relevant EPCG authorization number & date at the time of dispatch in case the unit is not registered with Central Excise.
4. Effect of this Public Notice: A new sub para further specifying the provision for amendment of import/export items under EPCG Scheme is being added. Documents to be submitted in case of third party exports are being further clarified.
[Issued from F.No.18/154/AM-17/PC-V]
(A K Bhalla)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Dear sir,
We have imported Machines under EPCG Scheme on 12.10.2006. In 1st block we are not maintaining of Export Obligation because of global melt down & we got condonation from EPCG Committee Delhi for non fulfillment of EO , later we completed Export Obligation in IInd Block with INR, But Now DGFT Peoples are raise Deficiency letter on Your not completed EO in Foreign Currency. Kindly help us is any condition is there to full fill the EO in Foreign Currency. if its there means kindly mention the Notification No.