(To be published in the gazette of India extraordinary part-1 section-1)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Public Notice No. 06/2015-2020
New Delhi, dated: 4th May 2016
Subject: Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)—Amendments in Table 2 [containing ITC (HS) code wise list of products with reward rates] of Appendix 3B
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments.
1. Addition of markets in 2787 lines, as per annexure to this Public Notice, with immediate effect in Table 2 [containing ITC (HS) code wise list and description of goods with reward rates under MEIS] of Appendix 3B (notified through Annexure to Public Notice No. 2 dated April 1, 2015 and amended through Public Notice No. 27 dated July 14, 2015 , Public Notice No. 28 dated July 16, 2015 and Public Notice No. 44 dated October 29, 2015 )
2. Exports made prior to the date of this Public Notice and exports effected from the date of this Public Notice cannot be clubbed in one application. i.e. separate application is required to be filed for the exports made prior to the date of issuance of this Public Notice and exports effected from the date of issuance of this public notice.
Effect of Public Notice:- Amendments in Table 2 [containing ITC (HS) code wise list of products with reward rates] of Appendix 3B under the Merchandise Exports India Scheme (MEIS) are notified. MEIS Scheme covers 5012 lines. 2787 lines required submission of proof of landing as reward was not available for all markers. Henceforth, Landing Certificate shall not be required under MEIS.
(Anup Wadhawan)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in
[Issued from File No. 01/61/180/68/FTP/AM15/PC 3]